SATURDAY        August 29, 1998      
Recording Session For SONY 
At 2pm we loaded into the San Diego Recording Studios on Chesapeake Drive in Kearny Mesa. 
This is a very attractive facility with lots of nice wood paneling and acoustical treatments.  It is one large studio with several partitions for dividing up the drums, guitar, bass, vocals and horns. 
We were recording this jingle for Sony that was going to be shown at the CES trade shows.  There would be a video shoot on Tuesday and Wednesday using the recording made today. 
This was a fairly simple tune to learn and the chart was no problem reading. 
After recording two takes of the tune, everyone left the room and I did some drum solos on my own.  One solo was a Sing, Sing, Sing type solo where I played mainly on the floor tom.  The other was a hi-hat thingy that was fairly simple and straight forward. 
Warren did the vocals singing, "Now, you're talkin'.....    Sony's got ya talkin'....." 
Afterwards, the rest of the band recorded background vocals saying "Hey, hey" and "Uh Huh" in response to Warren's vocals. 
All 'n all, this is going to be a high profile gig, and the band will be exposed to a lot of people through these CES trade shows. 
The Amore Ballroom 
When I got to the Amore Ballroom there was a band already playing.   I was not aware of any band playing with us at this dance, so it was a complete surprise to me.    
The name of the other band was the A Team!  Right away I remember the bass player, because I had gigged with him in the past.   He's the only guy in town who can play trumpet and bass at the same time.   I used to due Elk's Lodge gigs with him.  It was a pretty pathetic gig but it was my way of paying my dues so to speak. 
I hung outside with some of the guys in our band.   I again was listening to Chucho Valdes and practicing cascara (a type of afro-cuban pattern) and clave with my sticks on this metal fence. 
When it was time to start I said hello to the drummer in the other band.   Right a way he seemed to cop an attitude with me, because all he said to me was "those are some chewed up sticks, man".   I don't know what he really meant  by this, or whether he was condescending to me or not, but he wasn't all that friendly toward me. 
The A Team band was okay.  They did a variety of ballroom type music:  Cha Cha, Waltz, Swing, Pop, etc.   The drummer was pretty sloppy (in my book), and unfortunately he didn't know what was going to hit him in regards to my playing drums with BTO.  I kind of felt sorry for him because he really treated me badly and he was the kind of drummer with a lot of experience playing gigs, but he probably hasn't practiced (really practiced) in awhile.  I could tell in his playing.  That's why I noticed he seemed sloppy on his execution. 
I'm Just Here Cause I Love The Drums 
I hated to blow that other drummer away, but he had it coming.  I mean, he could've been civil about it, just like all professional musicians and the way they treat each other.   He treated me like an inexperienced drummer, and copped the attitude that he was holier-than-thou on those drums.  So, when BTO started we pretty much surprised some of those regular dancers and the other band with our energy.  That other drummer, I could tell he probably was embarrased by then, because he was hiding behind someone and was afraid to see me drumming.   Oh well, I guess it really helps to practice 5 hours a day on the drums. 

Friends Of The Band 
Boy, we had alot of our favorite people out here at The Amore Ballroom!   During Sing, Sing, Sing (which to me was one of our better versions, and I was extremely pleased with my solo, finally), the dancers had an excellent jam session in which partners were taking turns showing their "stuff" on the dance floor.   It was great!!!!!   One of the best jam sessions I've seen. 
Afterwards I was greeted by a lot of kids and swing fans who showed there appreciation for my soloing efforts.  I wasn't hesitant to thank everyone, and showed my gratefulness for all who appreciated what I did. 
Debbie came up to me rigtht away and we chatted for a bit.   I told her that she had really improved in her dancing skills.  I know she had been learning for a few months now and all of a sudden I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw Debbie swing dancing rather impressively with her partner. 
Jessica was there and we talked about The Amore Ballroom.  Apparently, this dancing hall is rather new and they've just begun to provide ballroom dancing lessons.   Victor, Jessica and I ended up chatting for awhile during our break, but I had to go outside and get some fresh air. 
I ran into Celine and Sharee outside.  I talked to Sharee about doing a gallery on the web, since her thing is photography and that she is studying that at UCSD. 
Celine said she visited my poetry site on the web and was impressed with my work.  I was glad for the compliment and we could've talked more about it but it was time to do the next set. 
Overall, this show at The Amore Ballroom was very enjoyable.  I enjoyed every minute of it, except the part where I had to tell one of the guys in the band that they were off in their playing.   I hate to do these things but someones got to bring it up, or else we'll never be able to play at the Monterey Jazz Festival (my lifetime dream). 


CDs Played Today:  

    Chucho Valdez - Bele Bele en La Habana 
Last  Movie Seen:  
     Return To Paradise 
Last Book Read:  
    Web Pages That Suck! 
Tonight's Gig: 
    The Amore Ballroom
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