MONDAY      08.03.98           it don't mean a thing...  
I've been feeling tired all day today,  perhaps I'm still recouping from the previous weeklong tour in Arizona,  along with the fact that the band had a busy schedule once we got back.  
I've been working out more trying to get in better physical shape so that on the next tour I'll be more prepared.   I've still been practicing visualization and meditation every chance I can,  and have been practicing more on my exercise routines on drums. 
Being a married man with two young boys has really taken its toll.   Sometimes I wished this type of musical success had come to me ten years earlier.   But at the same time I see alot of performers with family and children making due with the busy routine.  I know it can be done,  but it IS a struggle.    I just feel sorry for Nate,  who has a newborn baby to take care of in between shows! 
Still,  I feel my wife and I are trying to make this difficult schedule work;  and hopefully,  something can come out of this where things will be alot easier,  at least for her anyway.   For me it is a tough struggle in the months ahead if we are to make this band work and turn it into a real success.   I know I'm not there yet,  but I'm getting there.   It's that steady progression towards being in the ZONE all of the time,  and not just sometimes.   I'd like to be like Michael Jordan...   he's in the ZONE almost all the time. 
It don't mean a thing...    if it ain't got that PURPOSE! 

CDs Played Today:  
    Keith Jarrett - The Paris Concert 
    Keith Jarrett - La Scala 
 Last  Movie(s) Seen: 
    Saving Private Ryan 
Currently Reading:  
    Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet  
Tonight's Gig:  
    Band Rehearsal Tonight
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