Calmardaa's Fics Of Boredom
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Okay just a small note. When they are up, there will be fics with the rating of NC/17. Please be warned.

Blood & Nails.
The first in my 'Pain & Dreams' trilogy.
NC/17 for sex, violence (not D/H voilence though) and basic insanity.
Summary: Would you kill for it? Die for it? What would you do for love? And what would it do for you in return.

Pins & Needles
A kinda odd idea that came to me one day. *shrug*
Strong R for non-graphic smut, couple of words and ... well, there is a syringe.
Summary: You get what you want, so of course you want something more.

Disturbing Fact Parts 1 & 2 (So it's all here.)
WARNING! Stupid, slightly humorous (I said slightly) attempt at parody. If you want to read a fic about masturbating monkeys, stupid sardines and one whacked out James Earl Jones statue, then this is the fic for you. Otherwise I suggest you avoid it.
R ... mainly for ridiculous.
Summary: I blame it all on the coffee. (Not really a summary but hey, there's not a lot that can be said for this fic.)

If you find any errors, or anything that you wish to contact me about, feel free to, though put Stories in the subject or I might accidentally trash it.

[email protected]

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