Calmardaa's Person Of Boredom
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Oh, come on! Like you're really here to find out about me and not just for the smut and voilence!

Okay, fine, here goes. As you can probably tell from the layout, I'm not really aiming for this site to !WOW! you. It's only here for my fics. (Like you)

I'm 22 (I know, I know, god, I'm so old) and from Australia. (Please, don't make me say it, I don't want to. NOBODY ever says it ..... fine. G'day.) I have nothing to do in my spare time except this.

If you want to contact me for any reason (constructive critisism, hate mail, death threats, abuse, whatever) feel free to email me at [email protected], though try and put 'Stories' in the subject so I don't mistake it for junk and toss it

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