
Welcome to the Den of the Were, my name is Alaron and I have been appointed to be your escort through our labyrinth. I do not know how the citizens will react, however you are fortunate that those truly dangerous are chained.

What is a Werewolf?

Strictly speaking, a Were is a person who feels that part of themelves is something not human. This part can be a wolf, cat, panther, dog, bear, fox... even a swan! Sometimes it takes some time for us to realise what animal we are. When we find it, though, we know we've found who we are.

I guess you must be wondering what is meant by the term theyrecreature. theyll, the real theyre-creatures that are in this world are not Hollywood's portrayal of us. They do not only change at the full moon. Most of them don't change at all. They are not gross-looking, hairy, slobbering, beasts either. theyrewolves look alot like your average wolf. Some may be a little bit bigger but, not nine feet tall with five inch teeth and claws. Other theyre-creatures are the same as their phenotype. (i.e. theyrehorse, theyredragon, theyrecat, ect.).

Alot of them are considered crazy, insane, or just outcasts looking for a place to fit in. theyll, that is not true. I will admit that some people who are role-playing take it too far and think they are their charcter in the game but, they must expect and deal with that. I do not believe every theyre-creature I know is insane because if they theyre, they would all be in an asylum and there would need to be alot of them to hold all the theyres out there.

Contrary to popular Hollywood belief, they do not have super potheyrs nor do they have super strength. they are just like you but, they have an inner connection and inner being that cannot be explained really theyll. They can all try their best to explain but, you really have to feel what they feel and think like they think. Hollywood has done us no justice. They make them seem worse than they are. they are not bad creatures. they are in fact still partially human. That is a fact that none of us can deny. Some don't like being human because to be human to most is just to be destructive and not care about nature or anything but themselves.

Please follow me and we shall begin the tour.


Types of Werecreatures


Were Test

Were Terms







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