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Brancheninformationen IT & Telekommunikation

Japan�s information and communication industry grew at a vigorous 7.5% annual clip from 1995 to 2000 to become the biggest segment of the nation�s economy. It�s a fair bet that the explosive growth of this sector will continue in the coming years as the �ubiquitous network society� arrives with the so-called �Fourth Wave� of computing innovation. The market will balloon to be worth 84 trillion yen in 2010, according to an estimate by the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications.

The Fourth Wave in ICT innovation is expected to have profound and far-reaching effects on a wide spectrum of industries including, naturally, the IT industry. With the ICT market set to expand vigorously, analysts believe, five areas hold especially great promise: electronic authorization, IDCs (internet data centers), ASPs (application service provider), e-learning and e-commerce. In a bid to help the Japanese economy ride the crest of the fourth evolutionary wave of ICT, the government�s IT Strategy Headquarters, headed by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, announced in June 2002 an �e-Japan Priority Program 2002� to launch a public-private drive to establish e-government in Japan.

There are scores of IT hubs with great growth across the country. Many of these hubs have been developing spontaneously without any policy support from the government. But both central and local governments are now providing a wide range of incentives for these IT centers, creating a business environment conductive to investment and growth. (JETRO Invest in Japan, 2003)

Kansai IT & TK News:
House of the rising CG artist (The Asahi Shimbun, 26.05.2004)
Osaka City to aid firms in construction, land purchase (KIPPO News, M�rz 2004)
Hyogo/Kobe's 12 Special Zones in Place (PDF), (HIS News, Sept. 2003)
Subsidy program expands to cutting edge industries (Global E-net Osaka, Mai 2003)
Two Kansai projects selected to promote FDI (KIPPO News, Mai 2003)
Click to Ring (Kyoto Business Journal, M�r. 2003)
Foreign-Affiliated Companies in Hyogo-Kobe area: Global Network Co.,Ltd./IntaSect Communications Inc. (PDF), (HIS-News, Feb. 2003)
Seamless data link between mobile phones and home appliances on the way (e-View Osaka, Feb. 2003)
'Machiya' morphs into IT incubator (The Japan Times, 19.12.2002)
Delegationsreise unter Leitung von Staatsminister Dr. Wiesheu nach Japan (iXPOS, Dez. 2002)
Kansai project develops basic tera optical info-tech (KIPPO News, 11.12.02)
Sanyo-Samsung Net alliance makes inroads into streets of Kansai (e-View Osaka, Dez. 2002)

IT & TK in Kansai - Artikel und Hintergrundberichte:
Digital Osaka (J@pan Inc., Nov. 2002)
Kyoto: A Blueprint For Japan? (J@pan Inc., Dez. 2001)
Long Term Research (J@pan Inc., Sept. 2001)
Drowning in Support? (J@pan Inc., Jul. 2001)
Japan's ancient capital looks for new-tech entrepreneurs (The Japan Times, 15.05.2001)
Click Kansai for E-Commerce (J@pan Inc., M�r. 2001)

Engineering Software Products (PDF) (JETRO, 2004)
Japan's IT Market: Racing Towards the Second Phase of Growth (Nomura Research Institute, Feb. 2004)
Keys to Further Development in Japan's Online Shopping Market (Nomura Research Institute, Jan. 2004)
Attractive Sectors: ICT (JETRO Invest in Japan, 2003)
Software Products -Business Packages (PDF) (JETRO, 2003)
Communications Found Important to Japanese Users: Ticket Service and Positioning Service on the Wish List across Generations and Locations (PDF) (Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM) and InfoCom Research, M�r. 2003)
Export IT Japan (ITA, 2002)
Marketing Guidebook for Major Imported Products: Personal Computers (PDF) (JETRO, 2002)
Study on the Japanese Consumers' Use of Information & Telecommunications Equipment and Services (PDF), (Nomura Research Institute, Nov. 2002)
China's Rapidly Growing Infocom Industry and Approaches by Japanese Companies (Nomura Research Institute, Aug. 2002)
From Ticket Reservations to Phones as Tickets and Money: New Applications for the Mobile Internet in the Japanese Market" (Jeffrey L. Funk, Associate Professor, Kobe University, Apr. 2002)
Mobile EC in Japan and User Awareness (Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM), M�r. 2002)
Market Research on Electronic Commerce 2001 (METI, ECOM and NTT DATA Institute of Management Consulting, Feb.2002)
Japanese Market Report No. 53: Electronic Commerce; Books and Music CDs (JETRO, 2001)
Cultural Differences in E-Commerce: A Comparison Between the US and Japan (First Monday, 2000)

Weitere Branchenberichte:
Japan: Innovation and Internet (iQ Magazine, Jul. 2002)
Wireless Japan (J@pan Inc., Jul. 2002)
3G Stumbles (PDF) (The Journal, Mai 2002)
Modernising Japanese software (The Economist, Jun. 2001)
Optical Media Industry: Doing business in Japan (One to one Magazine, Jun. 2001)

Wichtige Informationsquellen:
MPHPT: Information and Communications Site
Asian Technology Information Program in Japan (ATIP)
JETRO Feature Article: IT, Electronics & Telecom: Market Trends
JETRO Feature Article: IT, Electronics & Telecom: Successful Foreign Firms
JETRO Feature Article: IT, Electronics & Telecom: Smaller Japanese Firms
Nomura Research Institute
Nikkei Electronics Asia
J@pan Inc.
Japan Media Review
Mobile Media Japan
Eurotechnology Japan
Japan Venture Partners
Japan Entry
TASK System Promotion

Industriekontakte, Branchenverb�nde:
Directory of ITC-Laboratories in Kansai
European Business Community (EBC) Japan: E-Commerce Committee
Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA)
Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM)
Telecommunications Carriers Association (TCA)
Communications Industry Association of Japan (CIAJ)
Japan Electronic and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)
Japan Information Service Industry Association
Japan Personal Computer Software Association
Japan Network Security Association
Information-technology Security Center (ISEC)
Optoelectronic Industry and Technology Development Association (OITDA)
Distributors Association of Foreign Semiconductors (DAFS)
Japan Electronic Products Importers Association (JEIPA)
Association of Media in Digital
New Media Development Association
Digital Content Association of Japan
Computer Entertainment Software Association
The Centre for Financial Industry Information Systems
Japan Biometric Authentication Association
The Biometric Society of Japan
AIM Japan (ehemals Automatic Identification Manufacturers Association)

Veranstaltungen in Kansai:
International KEITAI Forum 2004 (17. - 18. M�rz 2004 in Kyoto, Japan)
Global Venture Forum (15. - 16. November 2004 in Osaka, Japan)

Weitere Veranstaltungen:
�Gateway to Japan�
Die Kampagne �Gateway to Japan� der Europ�ischen Kommission soll europ�ischen KMU Exporte nach Japan erleichtern. Das Programm richtet sich insbesondere an Japan-Neulinge sowie an Firmen, deren bisherige Exportbem�hungen nach Japan noch nicht die gew�nschten Erfolge gebracht haben.
NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) Partnership Forum
Das NTT International Procurement Office (NTT IPO) veranstaltet in loser Folge Seminare im Ausland, um mit potentiellen neuen Zulieferern Kontakte zu kn�pfen, und um innovativen ausl�ndischen Herstellern die M�glichkeit zu geben, das Beschaffungswesen von NTT kennenzulernen.
NTT Europe: Frankfurt and D�sseldorf offices

JETRO Techno Business Forum 2004 (28. - 30. Januar 2004 in Tokio, Japan)
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation: Seminare und Trainingsprogramme f�r EU-Manager (regelm��ig)
Deutschland in Japan 2005/2006 (Fr�hjahr 2005 - Fr�hjahr 2006, Japan)
AUMA: L�nderprofil Japan

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