The ABCsof First Grade continued...

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Nurse: We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful nurse at Loganville Primary. I take care of minor hurts in the classroom, such as minor scratches or scrapes. Most of the time, students will only be sent to the clinic if I feel they may be running a temperature, or if they are in some sort of accident on the playground. If your child needs to take medicine during the school day, it needs to be sent to school in a labeled ziploc bag, along with a note indicating how much and when the medicine needs to be taken. The nurse is the only person allowed to administer medicine to the children as long as the note is included with the medicine. Please do not send your child to school with a fever. We do not want others in our classroom to become sick.
No Naps: Students in First grade do not take naps as they did in Kindergarten. There may be times when the class as a whole has had difficulty following rules and may need to rest to get control. Other times, students may be asked to put their heads down for a short 15 minute rest. Otherwise, we will be involved in learning from 8:30 to 3:00.
Ownership: One of my many goals as an educator is to help children to become motivated to learn for learning's sake, not just because it is something they are expected to do. Students are encouraged to learn something new each and every day, and in this way they are taking ownership of their own learning.
Parent Involvement: I would love for all parents to be involved in the education of their children. For many students, homework will be something new this year. They will need your help and encouragement. We often have many get togethers or special events happening at school. Please show your child that he/she and school is very important by attending some of these fun school events. Read to your child and have your child read to you every day. Ask your child to tell you what happened at school today. Keeping involved in your child's education will assure a successful school career for him/her.
Progress Reports: Students will receive progress reports four times a year. These progress reports come out around 4 1/2 weeks before report cards and will give you an idea of how your child is doing in all areas. 
Questions: Please feel free to talk to me anytime you have questions about something. You can do this in a variety of ways. You can send me a note in the agenda, call me at school - 770-466-2271, e-mail me - [email protected], or you can give me a call at home - 770-554-9501. If you have a quick question to ask, I don't mind your calling me at home. However, if you wish to discuss something that will take more than 15 minutes, please call me at school to set up an appointment. I want to be there to help you in any way I can.
Reading: Learning to read and strengthening reading skills are the most important things your child will learn to do this year. Studies have shown that those children whose parents are actively involved in the reading process will become the best readers. Reading to your child and listening to them read to you, taking them to the library and providing quality books at home is of the highest importance. Studies have also shown that those children who have not learned to read well by 3rd grade will struggle throughout school. Both you and I have an extremely important task to undertake.
Report Cards: Students will receive report cards every nine weeks. The report card will give you an understanding of your child's strengths and weaknesses. The report card will be sent to you in an envelope. You may keep the report card, but sign the envelope and send it back.
Recess: Students will have an afternoon recess each day for 30 minutes. We do not go outside when it is raining or when it is below 40 degrees. For the most part, I do not take recess away as a consequence for inappropriate behavior. However, there may be times when I feel it is necessary to use this consequence.
Sight WordsA sight word is a word that is recognized by quickly looking at it and recognizing it. Sight words are not sounded out. The more sight words a student can recite, the more fluently he/she will read. I encourage you to work on sight words with your child using flashcards. The list of the most frequently used sight words in the English language can be found here: Over and Over Words
Schedule: On a normal school day, with no special activities taking place, your child will be involved in the following subjects and activities:
1. Reading Ticket - 1 hour and 30 minutes. The reading ticket gives students opportunities to work on various language arts skills such as writing, reading skills, and reading groups with me. 
2. Math - 30  to 45 minutes.
3. Language Arts - 30 minutes. Language Arts includes reading and writing skills, listening and speaking.
4. Phonics - 45 minutes
5. Calendar - 30 minutes. Calendar time is used to emphasize various math skills.
6. Unit study - 40 minutes. The unit study time will involve Science and Social Studies activities that relate to our theme of study.
Scholastic Book Clubs: Each month I will be sending home book order forms for you and your child to look over. Scholastic offers lots of wonderful books at reduced prices. We also earn free books for our classroom for every dollar spent. Always make checks out to Scholastic Book Clubs. If you order from two separate clubs, add the totals together and write a check for the final total.
Transportation: Please make sure to notify me by written note each day  your child will be going home differently than the usual way. Many times children get very upset when they tell me they are supposed to be a car rider, but I make them get on the bus because there was no note in the agenda. A simple note will prevent a lot of problems.
Tardies: Please make sure your child is on time for school each day. School begins promptly at 8:30 and children are dismissed at 3:05. Children need to be at school no later than 8:30. It is hard to break a child of oversleeping once it becomes a habit.
Talking: As I said before, our classroom is an active place. Talking to friends about feelings and ideas is an important part of learning. However, many times students find it hard to follow my rules and instructions about appropriate and inappropriate times to talk. Students learn and practice what types of talking are allowed during specific times of the day. These guidelines are established in order for maximum learning to take place. I rarely have behavior problems in my classroom, with the exception of talking at inappropriate times. As a parent, I might understand how breaking rules about talking may seem less important than others, but I encourage you to support me in the enforcement of this rule, because it does affect your child's learning as well as other children. Basically, I expect students to whisper during morning work and other work times, a soft voice during reading ticket, but no voices are allowed while I am teaching, unless called on to answer a question.
Technology: Computers are very interesting to me. Our classroom has 5 computers. Computers will be used to reinforce math and reading skills. I am hopeful that each student will be able to use the computer at least twice a week. We will be using the internet quite frequently to add to our unit studies. I will be posting links to the sites we visit in class under the "Fun for Kids" section on our main page. I hope you will visit these sites with your child at home.
Units of Study: Our theme for this special year is, "Crusin' the World in First Grade." For a look at the units we will be studying click here.
Volunteers: Our classroom will be very successful with the help of volunteers. Since I have taught Kindergarten for the last 7 years, I have had the luxury of a full time paraprofessional. This year as a first grade teacher, I will only have a parapro for 3 hours a day. I am hopeful that I can rely on parent help in the classroom. For a detailed list of ways you can help, click here.
Writing:Writing is closely connected to reading. Students use skills that they need to read and apply them to writing. Students also develop creativity through their writing. I encourage you to create a special place in your child's room for writing. Make a special box with crayons, markers, pencils, pens, erasers, stickers, glue, etc... that he/she may use to design and create wonderful stories. Students that write well also read well.
Website: Please visit this website often. I try my best to keep it updated. If you have any suggestions about something you'd like to see on the site, please let me know.
X-tra Classes: Students will have art, physical education, and music classes this year. 
Year Long Learning and Fun: I am looking forward to working with many of you again and getting to know others. Your child will learn a lot this year and will be sure to have lots of fun in the process.
Zooming Through Many Skills: First grade is jam packed with a lot of things to learn. I feel confident that your children will be successful in mastering these many skills if we work together, by keeping in touch and your reinforcing these skills at home. This will be Z best year ever!

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