Jumper Ant
Brown Bulldog Ant
Red Bull Ant
Toothless Bull Ant
Baby Bull Ant
Green-head Ant
Muscleman Tree-ant
Black-headed Sugar Ant
Banded Sugar Ant


Rattle Ant - Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) sp.

Subfamily Formicinae

This page contains pictures and information about Rattle Ants that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 7mm

The Rattle Ants are shiny black in colour, with body length about 7mm. Their legs and antenna are all black. They are usually found wandering alone on plants leaves, looking for foods.

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Their nests are build on trees. They are built by the ants using plants leaves, dry plant materials and soil which are woven together with silk of their larvae. Sometimes the ants build more than one colony on the same plant. 

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When their nest is disturbed, a number of ants will come out and look for the intruder. They will also make the distinct 'rattle' noise by movement across the hard leaf surface to warn the intruder.. 

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Ant Tree House

We found one Rattle Ant's nest in the front yard of my office. We looked at them everyday. One day, we noticed that the number of ants is reduced. A few days later, all ants were not there, left only the empty nest. So we took the nest home to have a further look.

We believed the ants left the nest could be due to too much of our interruption. The nest was in the middle of the plants. For easier observation, We removed some of the branches block my vision. Although I have not affected the construction of the ants nest, there were more sun light shined on the nest. 

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The nest are constructed by three leaves and two dead leaves, about 10cm x 4cm in size. When open the nest, I find there was still one ant inside, which is smaller than normal, about 5mm body length.

Building nest on tree

Near one of the Rattle Ant colonies, we found two Rattle Ants. One ant was holding a larvae, the other pulling out some silks from the larvae. There was some silks attaching one leaf from anther leaf. We understood that those ants were just start to build a new room for their colony. 

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Fire Ants - We are suffering the Fire Ants problem. 
The Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta, is a serious new pest which has been detected in Brisbane, Queensland. 
They can be the greatest ecological threat to Australia. More information please visit our Government Fire Ants web site.

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Last updated: September 30, 2006.
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