Jumper Ant
Brown Bulldog Ant
Red Bull Ant
Toothless Bull Ant
Baby Bull Ant
Green-head Ant
Muscleman Tree-ant
Black-headed Sugar Ant
Banded Sugar Ant


Subfamily Myrmeciinae - Bulldog Ants and Jumper Annts

This page contains pictures and information about Bulldog Ants and  Jumper Ants that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

The ants in subfamily Myrmeciinae are among the largest ants, often reach 20 mm, up to 45mm,  in body length. The Myrmeciinae are found almost exclusively in Australia. They are easily recognized by their large body size, large eyes and long forward mandibles. Ants in this subfamily are considered to be the most primitive of all living ants. They have the relatively simple social structure. Their workers and queens are about the same size. 

They are fast and aggressive. They show a strong and well developed sting. They will not hesitate to deliver a painful stings to any intruder. Their nest is usually domed shape covered with plant materials.

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For the Myrmeciinae ants the mesosoma is attached to the gaster by two distinct segments, the petiole and postpetiole . The mandibles are very long and straight, with teeth along their inner margin. There is the sting at the tip of their gaster.

Jumper Ant, Jumping Jack
Myrmecia nigrocincta, body length 15mm
We found those Jumper Ants in Brisbane Toohey Forest. The workers foraging alone on low vegetation during the day. They are large in body size, with large eyes and elongated mandibles. They are bright colour, with dark green head and brown body and dark brown legs. More information in this page.
Brown Bulldog Ant
Myrmecia pyriformis, body length 25mm
In Brisbane Forest Park, we found another species of Bulldog Ants. They are dark brown in colour. Their hind legs are not as strong as the species shown above, we did not see it jumping. We found this ant foraging alone on the ground. It was very aggressive. When we came close, it did not retreat but put a fighting posture, waving its head with its huge jaws. More information and pictures in this page.
Giant Bull Ant, Red Bull Ant, Soldier Ant
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Myrmecia gulosa, body length 25mm
We found the Red Bull Ant nest entry when we were walk up to top of Mt Gravatt. It was next to the footpath. There were not much activity. Just inside the nest entry, there were a few guards standing by. When we came within a meter, they ran out and put a attack posture to us. More information and pictures please visit this page.
Toothless Bull Ant
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Myrmecia mandibularis, body length 15mm
The ant has the black head and body, red legs and golden abdomen. Notice its jaws are relatively smooth comparing with other bull ants, i.e., its common name Toothless Bull Ant. More information and pictures can be found in this page.
Baby Bull Ant 
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Myrmecia urens, body length 15mm 
Baby Bull Ant is the smallest among the Bulldog Ants family. We found one resting on a gum tree trunk in Karawatha Forest in mid September. More information and pictures please find in this page.

Jumper Ants Sting

Our visitor Cheryl sent us email about her experience with Jumper Ants sting;
"We put down a tarpaulin and picnic rug on medium length grass in a little visited spot (not a regular picnic area) on the northern edge of Mt Tamborine. The next thing I knew, I was being literally 'aggressively attacked' by a swarm of jumping ants, black and yellow in colour. I ran away, trying madly to shake the things off, and eventually ensconced myself back in the car where I continued to pluck them off one by one. 
"I was screaming with the most horrific pain, especially in the arch of my left foot which suffered multiple bites/stings. I continued to scream in agony for about 10 minutes. I went pale and cold and clammy; I felt nauseous, and my heart palpitated. 
"Fortunately we had some 'Soov' in the car, which I rubbed into the affected areas; and I applied ice from out of our esky. But even so, it took a couple of hours for the pain to dissipate."

Reference and Link:
1. Jumper ant allergy - Allergy Capital, 2005.
2. Myrmecia (bull ants, jack jumpers) - myrmecos.net, 2005.
3. Australian Ant Image Database - Australian Ant Image Database, R.W Taylor.
4. Subfamily Myrmeciinae - Australian Ants Online - S.O. Shattuck and N.J. Barnett, CSIRO 2001. 

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Fire Ants - We are suffering the Fire Ants problem. 
The Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta, is a serious new pest which has been detected in Brisbane, Queensland. 
They can be the greatest ecological threat to Australia. More information please visit our Government Fire Ants web site.

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Last updated: September 28, 2006.
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