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·        Ok, another annoyance. Phil Donahue torques me off. Big time. And it’s worse because I thought we were long rid of his television presence.  He is of the undead.  Sadly, though I love the variety of cable news, this also means there is room even for this fool to get air time (I sob when I think that Sledge Hammer might still be on if there were as many stations on the air when it tried to attract an audience).  I read this, since I can’t take more than five minutes of his show: “Another reader says, “Check out Phil Donahue’s comment the other day, that an overwhelming majority of black and ‘Latino’ congressmen voted against the Iraq resolution because ‘It’s their brothers and sisters who will be fighting this war!’ As a ‘Latino’ former member of the armed forces, I always kind of thought that all Americans were my brothers and sisters in a sense.”” I suppose I should rag on Chris Matthews and others for this, but Phil is much like Iraq: he combines a whole bunch of outrages in one place.  It is simply a lie that minorities have perished in greater numbers than whites.  It is a myth that was not true in Vietnam (and no less false for its persistence) and will not be true if we fight Iraq.  Although minorities are “over-represented” in the military, whites are way “over-represented” in the infantry and other combat branches. I’ve heard it explained as more minorities going in for career/education reasons and whites going in for adventure.  Whatever, those who worry that minorities will suffer disproportionately can rest easy.  It bugs me that it should be particularly awful to some that minorities will die.  Are we not all Americans?  Do our soldiers not protect all of us?  Jeez, they even protect the protesters.  If war is bad, why isn’t it just as bad for some freckle-faced kid in Iowa to die?  That Phil would spout this is no surprise.  Lord let his ratings tank so his show may die once and for all. This time please use a stake through the heart to make it permanent.(Posted October 24, 2002)

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