Welcome to

Boyd Allen's

Christian Naturism

"Where Christians are not offended by the Image and Likeness of God"

Wow! What a paradox! Christianity and Naturism (Nudism) in the same thought! What in the world do we think we are doing? After all, does the Bible say, "human beings as God created them are evil"?

(This may take a while so you might want to kick off your clothes and get comfortable!)

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Many pages to choose from!...

What is Naturism?

First it might be a good idea to explain just what is Naturism. But before you panic....

Adam & Eve

It is interesting that God came to the garden that fateful day, looking for Adam and Eve. Why?

God Said / Satan Said

Just what did Satan say that got us to believe him instead of God?

Naked Definitions

Arom: Naked
Eyrom: Naked (Nekkid)
Ervah: Nakedness

The New Testament

Was nudity common then?

What did the Christians think?

The Book of Romans

A look at the Apostle Paul's writings concerning Jesus and the Law. Are our lives ruled by the Old Testament Laws, or is there something else?

What does Paul say about the body?

Ecologically Sound

Someone once told me that I go through a lot of trouble to go nude. Well, here is my answer...

Self Examination

For those of us who had a hard time convincing ourselves because of doubt, here is a self-examination for you and your Spouse. These questions are to help you make the right decision...
Self Examination

Favorite Sites

Sites That Will Knock Your Clothes Off!

Travel nude every chance you get!

(Travel nude every chance you get!)

A Few Naked Words

These are a few things I made up while trying to figure out what else to do.

Think man, think!

The Naked Apostle

Could it be a fact that it is common for a worker to work nude in the days of the Early Church?

Did Jesus work nude?

The Gospel According to a Christian Naturist

Pray Your Naturist Friends to Christ and your Christian Friends to Naturism

Modern Day Body Acceptance

How we can change our perception of ourselves

Second Adam

How was Jesus associated with Adam? How is that significant to us Christians today?

Still Not Sure Yet?

Are our fears based on faulty teaching and misinformation? Where did it come from?


What is going on in Chrsitian Naturism?

Life stories of Christian Naturists

And how they became naturists

Nude Baptisms

Links to articles on Nude Baptisms in the Early Church

by Christian Naturists

Pastor David RN

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Or better yet: visit the Boyd Allens Christian Naturism FORUM in blue box below:

Visit my growing BACN Forum <

What is Naturism | Adam & Eve | New Testament Views | A Few Naked Words | The Second Adam

The Gospel According to a Christian Naturist

Nude Baptism | Pray For Christians | Modern Day Body Acceptance | God Said / Satan Said" | The Book of Romans

Self Examination Still Not Sure Yet? | Bible Verses | Favorite Sites | Naked Definitions | Ecologically Sound | The Naked Apostle

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nudist - Find information about nudism from American Association for Nude Recreation�

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