In the eye of the beholder...

This is the reason for all the fuss. Ms Yancy Butler.

Hmm…what can be said about Ms. Butler that hasn’t been already?  It’s obvious that she is a 
wonderful “find” for Hollywood…and we are thankful!  
There is no doubt that she is stunningly beautiful…painfully so!  

She exudes much talent and parlays it with incredible range!  She speaks volumes with just the 
rearing of an eyebrow!  Her acting skill is a conduit for a broad spectrum of human dimensions!  
Her performances, in other words, evoke emotion and affect her audience!  
Could there be any greater compliment to an actor than knowing that he or she has captured the heart 
and imagination of the viewer?  

She is impressive, unique, and utterly appealing!  She possesses a subtle nuance that is enchanting!  
Her work is so admirable that fans, I think, are proud of her! We appreciate and acknowledge that she 
is genuine and can bring that very real quality to the core of her achievements! 
Her ability to relate to her characters and her audience is what makes her so endearing to us! 
And it is that ability that has garnered our unparalleled devotion and left an indelible mark! 

So, to Ms. Butler I simply say, “Thank you!”  Thank you for providing that retreat from reality…
even if only for an hour or two! It sure as hell is fun!

And to Bern, my man!  I thank you as well!  As I mentioned before, Ms. Butler is deserving of a 
fan-based website and you have produced a truly excellent one!  
I have delighted in every aspect of your website and am amazed at how much I didn’t know!

Your approach to the site is professional and well-organized!  You pay tribute to Ms. Butler 
in a respectful, yet flattering, manner!  You field incoming questions regarding 
Ms. Butler with dignity and reverence!  Perhaps Ms. Butler should hire you for “PR” purposes!  

There is grace and beauty in things that come from the heart, Bern!  
Your site reflects that undeniably!  

Peace…I’m out of here!

Your pal,
Tami Willis

See what some other Yancy Butler fans had to say...

A few quotes on actors and acting...

An actor who knows his business ought to be able to make the London telephone directory sound enthralling.
~ Donald Sinden

I made some mistakes in drama. I thought the drama was when the actors cried. 
But drama is when the audience cries.
~- Frank Capra

Acting deals with very delicate emotions. It is not putting up a mask. 
Each time an actor acts he does not hide; he exposes himself.
 ~ Jeanne Moreau

Without wonder and insight, acting is just a trade. With it, it becomes creation.
~ Bette Davis

Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people from coughing.
~ Ralph Richardson

The words "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" which I saw on an Italian movie poster, are perhaps the briefest
statement imaginable of the basic appeal of movies.
~ Pauline Kael

Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse. It's a bum's life ... the principal benefit acting has afforded me
is the money to pay for my psychoanalysis.
~ Marlon Brando

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