Fandom Trailer Park: Butler on Witchblade's Future
Credits: Rob Allstetter
Date: 28 August 2000

Yancy Butler admits she`s a little antsy to see if a Witchblade television series spins out of the movie that TNT premiered Sunday night. "We`re kind of in holding pattern," says Butler, who stars as Sara Pezzini. "It was conceptualized as a series. Now they`re presenting it as this two-hour movie. I really hope it goes to series." 

Butler says she might be starring in another movie even before a Witchblade series will begin, but says she does feel a bit in limbo. "Am I going to be living in Toronto for the next five years?" she says. "Or is that it? It can be quite unsettling. I try to live my life by not expecting too much, that way I`m just pleasantly surprised." 

Butler heavily promoted Witchblade. She made comics convention appearances this summer and did many interviews in the past two weeks, even appearing on CNN last weekend. "I`m very proud of it," says Butler of the film. "I don`t promote things this heavily that I don`t believe in." 

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