Seventh Circle News
Source: Seventh Circle
Credits: 7th Circle
Date: June 2001

Wading through the multitude of transparently teenie-targeted darker themed television shows that pervade primetime today makes me reel in disgust (i.e. Buffy and Angel). Once in a while though one of these execs finally comes up with a decent idea. Witchblade definitely looks to be one of the latter.

Withblade, which is based off of the best selling comic of the same name, is a follow up to the hugely successful TV movie that aired last August. Admittedly, since I live in Canada and TNT doesn't reach throughout this country, I wasn't able to see it until recently but was blown away when I finally was able to. TNT has been known to put forth some very well done original movies but Witchblade stood head and shoulders above any of the others. The movie combined elements of fantasy, police drama, and some outstanding background music (including Rob Zombie) into a movie that seemed like more of a big screen picture. 

The premise of the movie and now the series that's following is that Sara Pezzini, a New York detective uncovers a powerful symbiotic gauntlet that chooses female partners to assist in it's quest to destroy evil. Sara must come to grips with controlling the gauntlet and her own emotions that it brings forth. Unlike most, the lead character of Witchblade, Sara Pezzini, has amazing potential to actually have depth. Add in a wealth of great storylines that can be original or taken from the comic and you have the makings of a cult classic.

One of the downfalls of series that are based off of comics is a lot of the "purists" not being interested in the show for fear of them destroying it. TNT seems to have a plan in works though to solve that little problem by having Marc Silvestri (of Image comics fame) join on as Executive Producer. Also joining on in the Executive Producer role is Ralph Hemecker who has directed episodes of X-Files and Millenium. Let's just hope that Marc gets a little more involved than Mark Rein-Hagen did with his Executive Producer role on Kindred: The Embraced (oh lord the travesty that ensued from that one).

A few ups and downs: 

UP - Yancy Butler is not in her late teens or early twenties. She actually has some maturity and experience in her acting unlike most other leads. Plus, I absolutely adore her throaty voice.

UP - I'm looking forward to finding out more of Ian Nottingham (Eric Etebari) when the series starts, as his incredibly skilled assassin/bodyguard character was one of the bright spots of the movie.

UP - Marc Silvestri as Executive Producer. This is the man that assisted in bringing the X-Men and then Spawn & Witchblade to international fame. He is the man.

UP - the Witchblade - Swords and sorcery in a modern setting...nuff said

UP - In the movie you catch a quick glimpse of Thundercats playing on a tv.

UP - Maybe we can finally get some decent background music on one of these shows.

DOWN - From watching the movie you know that Sara Pezzini's principal love interest will eventually be Jake McCartey (David Chokachi). The insanely cool woman will end up dating a blonde surfer...DAMN!

DOWN - David Chokachi you may recognize as he is formerly from Baywatch...nuff said again

DOWN - Anthony Cistaro playing Kenneth Irons, the mysterious businessman who wants to control the gauntlet too, will eventually seriously get on my nerves. He seems to be playing the part by combining Malcolm McDowell with the older vampire on Forever Knight and goes a bit over the top. 

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