reCON Interview with Yancy
Credits: Bobby Nash
Date: 8 August 2000

This interview was conducted via telephone on Tuesday, August 8, 2000. Oh, and lest I forget, a special thanks goes out to TNT's Senior Publicist, Nicole Lucas for all her help. 

BN: Did you enjoy your visit to the Wizard World Convention in Chicago? 
YB: I loved it. You know, I had never previously been there. It was wonderful. 

BN: Wasn't it? It was my first time there as well. 
YB: Oh really. That's great. 

BN: Yeah. I had a ball. 
YB: You guys were great. It was cool. And I remember you coming around. 

BN: Yes. And that you for saying that. 
YB: My pleasure. 

BN: Since I know we don't have a long time here, I'll jump right into the important questions. Let's start with the one you've probably answered nine hundred times already. Tell us a little about the Witchblade and what you got out of playing the part of Sara Pezzini? 
YB: One of the reasons I took this role was that the portrayal of her was very dynamic. I think that Ralph, our director, really put the story in a more realistic realm. Instead of how people often portray comic book characters, especially strong female characters on the screen. I very much care about what happens to her. Again, not that those others are better or worse, I just feel for her. Sara, like the audience, is trying to figure out what this thing is. What I got from it is a wonderful portrayal of a real woman and all this stuff is happening to her. If that answers your question. [Laughter] 

BN: Sure. That's a good answer.
YB: Oh good. Good. 

BN: This is not your first role in this type of genre. There was Mann & Machine, which was about a robot. So, is this your first time dealing with conventions as a guest? 
YB: It is. I actually have done the VSDA, the video sales retailers. I've never really done any sci fi conventions. It's pretty wild. We went to San Diego last month and I went back the next day for myself to check it out. You see some pretty wild stuff there. 

BN: The cons are fun. And for the most part, people are well behaved. 
YB: Yeah. And if not then, when? [Laughter] If you don't see strange stuff going on there... 

BN: What are you working on these days? 
YB: I might be doing a movie that I can't talk about because I haven't signed yet. Otherwise, I'm really in a holding pattern to see if Witchblade goes to a series. I think it could be really great. 

BN: I agree. The movie follows the comic really well and there are more stories still out there. 
YB: You know what, I'm happy to hear that. You know what's funny about that? The fact that the screening (Saturday night, TNT and Top Cow hosted a free screening of the Witchblade movie to Wizard World attendees at a Chicago theater) went so well that night it made a huge impact on people. I was thrilled when Marc Silvestri came up to me and told me how much he enjoyed it. Like I said in the panel you were at was that these people have been living with this character a lot longer than I have. Now we're giving her a voice. That makes it really hard to portray. It's especially hard to film this fantasy world filled with inanimate objects which are just on paper. And I could not be happier with the result. 

BN: I personally, would like to see it go to series. I think it would be interesting to watch. 
YB: Me too. I want to find out what happens to her. [Laughter] Seriously, I've become addicted. Thank God, because I might be playing her for the next five years. You never know. 

BN: That would be cool. 
YB: That would be very cool. From your lips to God's ears. 

BN: How many television shows have you been a part of? I can think of three. 
YB: Wow. Mann & Machine, South Beach, Brooklyn South. That's really the only ones I've played a lead in. Others were just day work where I played a [guest] character. 

BN: How did you get your start in acting? 
YB: Actually, my whole family. My mother is in the business side and my father is a musician. So it was always like an arty kind of family. Professionally, I got my start by doing a guest spot for Dick Wolf, from Law & Order that were really nothing. I guess I caught the eye of Dick, which luckily enough. And he cast me for Mann & Machine and I never got a chance to go back home. I got the part and we started filming four days later. I've been out there almost ever since. It's been a wonderful ride. Pretty trippy. 

BN: Now that you're part of fandom and the conventions circuit, you'll have to get used to all of this stuff. Although, I guess you've always had to deal with things like giving autographs and such even without going to conventions. 
YB: Yeah. You know what, I learned my lesson. For awhile I was not getting asked for my autograph and they're not talking about you. It's the age old joke, but this is a lot better. [Laughter] 

BN: At least people know who you are. 
YB: Yeah. Just a little bit, yeah. 

BN: What's the one thing you'd like people to know. This can be about anything. Whatever's on top of your head.
YB: Whatever's on top of my head? That I don't promote things I don't believe in. And this thing rocks! I know you meant about life in general, but that is honestly the God's honest truth. I certainly don't promote it this heavily. I might have to do a couple of things, but this one I'm really into it. 

BN: Nice. I've met people before that just sigh and say, "Yeah, it's just my job." 
YB: No, I'm telling you, this is a trip. I'm loving it. 

BN: That's good. 
YB: Yeah. 

BN: What types of things are you a fan of? 
YB: Kind of like my taste in music, I'm kind of eclectic. I'm a fan of good stories. Whether that be in sci fi, whether that be classic, whether that be in... really, anything. But sci fi, I was never really a fan of before hand. It seems to have followed me and proven to be very lucrative and I have no problem with that. [Laughter] 

BN: Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. 
YB: Oh, I am. Definitely. 

BN: You guys touched on this at the Witchblade panel at Wizard World, but how can people go about letting TNT know they what they think of the movie and if they would like to see Witchblade as an ongoing series? 
YB: I'll give you back o Sheila for that information. But please, tell them to write. Anthony Cistaro is the best at actually promoting that. But yes, it's important [to write], because they don't know. I found out a lot of people after the fact, even Mann & Machine as you saw at the convention, was a series I did nine years ago. Write a letter. It's a little late now [for that one]. I'm nine years older. [Laughter] But seriously... Or people will say Brooklyn South. I say, did you do anything about it? I've written letters, I certainly have, about shows that have gotten pulled. It's important. They [producers & networks] don't know. But please, that would be great. I saw your name on the list and got very excited because I remembered meeting you there. 

BN: Thank you. That's always nice to hear. 
YB: Yeah. 

BN: It was also nice because I finally got to meet Nicole in person. 
YB: Isn't that funny when you have phone conversations with people for years, then meet and go, you look like that? [Laughter] 

BN: It's funny. I had to fly all the way from Atlanta to Chicago meet someone who works less than fifty miles from me. 
YB: That's true. I hadn't thought of it that way actually. And, as I say to everybody, if you have any follow up question, definitely don't hesitate to ask. I definitely get back to people. It's part of my job and I enjoy doing it. I really do believe in doing the show, so I'm around. I'm user friendly, as they say. [Laughter] 

BN: Well, if you hear anything about an ongoing series, let us know and we'll cover it. 
YB: We will for sure. I'm going to put you back on with Sheila and she can let you know how to contact TNT about the show. 

BN: Thanks a lot for your time and good luck. 
YB: Mr. Nash, again a pleasure. Bye bye. 

BN: How can people get in contact with TNT to let them know what they think about the movie and if they would like to see an on going television series? 
Sheila from TNT: We're going to have a Witchblade website. It will be a place where you can email. It will be Tell your readers to go on there and email us. Flood us with emails, because I'd love to see the Witchblade continue. This is just fun. 

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