Maclean's: Into the wide blue yonder
Source: YBP
Credits: Maclean's
Date: 12 December 1994

At 24, Yancy Butler already boasts a resume that includes two films by the world's best-known action directors: John Woo's Hard Target (1993) and now Drop Zone , by John Badham of Lethal Weapon fame [sic]. And action can be demanding. For instance, in Drop Zone, which opens this week, Butler plays a professional skydiver embroiled in terrorist intrigue. The part required that she learn to parachute. The result? ``It was the most therapeutic thing I've ever done,'' she says. In fact, Butler now plans to jump out of planes just for the fun of it--but not until her current project, the romantic comedy Let It Be Me, wraps up filming in her native New York City. After all, she plays a dance instructor in the movie. ``I don't think,'' she says, ``that getting a broken leg and playing a dancer would be too easy.'' And break a leg is just a figure of speech. 
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