This is the
Sebastopol Secondary college
Class of 1992.

I'm in the front row, 
5 in from the  right.

Click on the image to see 
a bigger version.


VCE stands for 
Victorian  Certificate of Education 

which is what you get here in Australia when
you  complete your final year of High School. 

And this is what it looks like ... 

The little piece of paper on the right is 
the reward for 6 hard years of study!

inside the front cover:

  "My fingerprints, personality, 
and capabilities are different  from every other  person.

I can be uniquely and fully myself." 

inside the front cover:

"The print of our  shoes on  school  surrounds lasts but a  moment ...

 the imprint of the school  on 
our lives can never fade"

This is my Profile as it appeared in the Yearbook. All senior students had a profile in the book. I was also on the Magazine  & Yearbook Committee and contributed several articles to both books.

And no,  I'm not in foreign relations or Social Work, and NOBODY calls me Beez anymore!

The magazine & Yearbook Committee, made up of an equal number of Year 11 & 
Year 12 students. (I'm in the centre of the front row directly above the right footprint)

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