The two hat badges above are: (on the left) the badge of the Royal Victoria Regiment  &
(on the right) the Royal Australian Army Ordinance Corp (RAAOC)

I was a proud member of the Australian Army Reserves from 1992 - 1994. 

I served in the Ordinance Corp within the support company of an Infantry Battalion. Which basically means I  was surrounded by those affectionately known as "grunts".  My particular role in the Corp was  as a Q'ie which is a nickname for a Storeperson, one of a group of people that operates a Units store (Quartermasters Store). 


The Q'store and the people who work in it supply the things the soldiers and Unit need to carry out their jobs efficiently such as uniforms & equipment. The Q'Store basically works like a shop except instead of paying money for the items that they require each soldier signs for the item in his/her personal Q. record. I really enjoyed working in the Q'Store as someone always needed something so it was busy and we were always dealing with people. Also we were always amongst the first to meet new people as they had to come to us to get their first issues. The downside of being a Q'ie was the paperwork!

My Recruit Course Platoon
I'm in the front row, third from the right
My Recruit Course Section
Front row, third from left
(click on the photos above to see bigger versions)

Left: My Storemans Course in '93. I'm in the front row on the right end

Below: My Storemans  qualification certificate

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