Our Mission

pointTo provide education to the students.

pointTo unfold the inner potential of children.

pointTo make the child creative and innovative.

pointTo provide child-centric education.

pointTo develop the personality of a child.

pointTo enable children to use English for communication.

pointTo provide equal opportunities to both the genders.

pointTo create an awareness among students about preservation of the environment & culture, the danger of drugs and the need for good health.

pointTo prepare children for complete living.

pointTo achieve excellence in academics.

pointTo establish a healthy relationship between the various agencies of education i.e. the School, the Family and the Society.

pointTo expand education facilities broadly on the basis of manpower needs.

pointTo provide value-based education to build up character.

pointTo provide education to help pupils acquire useful knowledge and culture.

pointTo prepare individuals for the society.

pointTo provide education in order to relate it to life, needs and aspirations of the country.

pointTo organize student-exchange programs for more interaction between students.

pointTo instill leadership qualities in students.