Azure Lane Aviary
Welcome to Azure Lane Aviary. We hand-raise Solomon Island Eclectus babies. They are beautiful, smart parrots, with great talking abilities. We are a small home-based aviary, located in south-central Kansas. Email for availability and pricing. [email protected]
This is Monty, our first hand raised baby.  He hatched in May 2002.  He loves getting kisses. He can say "Hello", "peek-a-boo", " I love you", "step up",and "come here".  He hangs upside-down in his cage, like a monkey.
Monty's parents,
Red and Fred.
They are our only breeders. They are wonderful parents.
We let them feed and care for their babies untill the hatchlings are 3-4 weeks old.
Here are our two boys. They hatched in December 2002. Cash (on the right) now lives in his new home with Sue. Tyler on the left is staying with us. Tyler is our best far. He says , "step up", "peek-a-boo", "Nanny" (what my kids call my mother),  "Monty", "come here", "gimme-a-kiss" followed by a big smooch sound, and he growls like a dog and rings like the phone, he cracks us up!  Aren't they cute little boogers?
Here's Cash after his first real shower, he was lovin' it but boy did he get soaked. Sue tells me he is spoiled rotten. He thinks the hair dryer is his and says, "what are you doin?" He is an escape artist, I watched him open his cage several times the last time I visited them.
My Eclectus recipes
food flying and fun Babies
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