Craig Kelly

Team Leader, CK-1

  • Craig Kelly is the the leader of the AV team and of all the current teams members, he had served on the AV team the longest. His job is to co-ordinate the team and handles all of the scheduling of training nights and and assignment of tasks. He is also the team's resident DJ
  • Craig is currently in Grade 12 at A.Y. This will be his last year on the AV team since he intends to graduate. Craig will be attending Ryerson university next year to study Radio and Television.
  • As the team leader, Craig is the one to see about organizing sound and lighting within the school, once the Administration gives their approval of course. While he is quite knowledgeable about technical things, Craig can not help you if you need to get into the computer lab, the JTV control room, or one of the JTV editing rooms since he does not have any keys.
  • Craig is also the person to see if you are interested in joining the AV team. If you are interested in joining the AV team, check out our Join the Team Page to see an example interview and to learn where you can find Craig in order to join the team.
  • Craig is also Know as the Chicken Man
  • Craig has the answers to the questions that everyone is asking:

  • Question: Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
  • Answer: The glass is too big.

  • Question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
  • Answer: The egg. Who ever heard of chicken for breakfast?

  • Question: Why are we here?
  • Answer: Why are you here? Why are you here annoying me right now?

  • Question: Why is the sky blue?
  • Answer: Because god used the wrong hex code.
  • If you ever have any comments or concerns about the AV team use this form to contact Craig

Danielle Stewart

Lighting Coordinator/Webmaster, DS-6

  • Danielle Stewart is the lighting coordinator for the team, a basically useless title bestowed by Craig just because. Recently the title has not been so useless since she has been working the lighting for most shows and will probably be working the lighting for the school play, Little Shop of Horrors. If you are looking for The Chicken Man, chances are she could tell you how to find him. Otherwise you can ask her some questions and she just might know the answer. Or not. She can be found around school during Period 4, her spare. And don't make a mess, or else....
  • Cub Carson
  • Danielle is currently in Grade 12 at A.Y. This will be her first and last year on the A.V. team as she will be graduating at the end of this year. Next year she will be attending the University of Waterloo to study computer science
  • Danielle can usually be found in the music room, in the A.V. office, or more often then not trailing behind Craig, assisting him in his many tasks, or running to the caf or max for much needed refreshments. If you can't find her, check the Cage, and you will probably see her cleaning.
  • If you have any question or comments you wish to address towards her... just don't. Contact Craig instead using this form.

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