This website contains a display of my photographs of lighthouses along the coastline of Victoria, Australia, and now also includes details about each lighthouse. All photos are copyright - refer to the copyright and disclaimer.

The Lighthouses of Victoria website is constantly under construction, as I visit more lighthouses, and get a chance to scan in my photographs.  The lighthouses I have been to are listed on the home page.

My interest in lighthouses stems from a "collecting" hobby - the point being to collect my own personal photographs of as many, if not all, lighthouses (and navigational lights) in Victoria. This website has therefore become the means for displaying my collection thus far. I have been to almost all of the major lighthouses in Victoria, except those along the eastern coast, including Wilson's Promontory, Point Hicks and Gabo Island. 

I am not sure why I have an interest in lighthouses - I enjoy the solitude, as they are invariably located in remote areas, and I love the ocean.  Lighthouses are always interesting from an architectural and historical perspective, and they always make good subjects for photography, regardless of the weather - I love wild rainy weather, particularly thunderstorms!

At the beginning of 2003, I volunteered my services to publish the monthly internet & email Bulletin for Lighthouses of Australia Inc (LoA). Over the course of the year, I published eight editions of the Bulletin - click the links to read each issue:

No 1/2003 Feb | No 2/2003 Apr | No 3/2003 Jun | No 4/2003 Aug
No 5/2003 Sep
| No 6/2003 Oct | No 7/2003 Nov | No 8/2003 Dec

Publishing the Bulletin has been an enormous amount of work, but it is a privilege to be involved with such a great group of people, and the opportunity to be immersed in lighthouse issues, stories and photographs has been fantastic. I was elected to the LoA Committee as Bulletin Editor - I hope to be able to continue in this position for some time to come.

I work as a website designer by day, and find it enjoyable to apply my skills to something that interests me in my spare time (apart from being out visiting lighthouses!).

I have included links to other websites where available - particularly to the Lighthouses of Australia Inc (LoA) website and Grant Maizels' Lighthouse pages website - both websites were the original pilots for Australian lighthouse information and photographs on the internet. Newer comprehensive Australian lighthouse website include Garry Searle's Lighthouses Australia website, and Kevin Mulcahy's Australian Lighthouses website.

I hope you enjoy looking around this website - and if you have any feedback or queries, or requests regarding use of any images (please respect my copyright), contact me at [email protected].

Page last updated:  29 December 2003

Copyright � 1999-2003 Kristie Eggleston. All rights reserved.
Email: [email protected]

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