"Let all who will, come, and drink freely of the Waters of Life, even the Waters of Truth. The word of welcome awaits all who Respond."
The following piece from the first section of an extemporaneous talk given in 1936 by Lloyd Arthur Meeker, also known as Uranda was subsequently entitled 'Lighting The Way In You'.

As you relax into the 'stillness' of your Inner Being and let the spirit of his words speak directly to your heart, may you find that 'the Wonderful One Within' is always,


No matter who you are, where you are, or what you are doing, these words are for you, sent to you in the creative radiance of the ever-sounding song of the universe; and as they are filled with the spirit of love, they shall surely accomplish that whereunto they are sent. Peace be unto you.

No matter what you believe or do not believe, no matter how much or how little faith you may think you have, no matter what you have studied or how long, no matter how many times you have failed or succeeded, no matter how difficult your situation may appear to you, these words point to the Way that is in you now, that thereby you may abide in peace, serve in joy, walk in strength, act in wisdom, radiate true love and know the light that is in you now.

No matter how long you may keep trying, struggling, striving, wanting, and seeking, you will one day come to the One Way that is easy and sure. You have the right to walk in the hard way as long as you choose; but when you are tired of wasting time, when you have fallen and bruised yourself to the point of giving up, when you have proven that man is a 'broken reed' and not worthy to be depended upon, when you have satisfied yourself as to your own weakness, and when you are convinced that there is no way out, then you will find the way in, and you will find it to be an easy way, filled with love and peace- the secret place where wisdom, courage, health and strength abound. Then you will begin to live.

Lloyd Arthur Meeker
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From 1932 until 1954 Lloyd Arthur Meeker wrote and spoke using the pen name Uranda. The name Uranda means "He who radiates the harmonizing ray."
The preceding was excerpted with permission from the publishers from the first chapter of ...'LIGHTING THE WAY IN YOU' by URANDA, from a talk given June 4th 1936.
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URANDA, was the first point of Spiritual Leadership, inspiration and living actualization of the truths of The Third Sacred School. He left behind for all mankind an invaluable legacy in both the example of his practical living, and in the millions of words which he wrote or spoke in the current of divine inspiration to those who gathered around him.
During his lifetime he spoke extemporaneously to many thousands of people throughout North America on subjects relating to 'the Art and Science of Being', and 'the Divine Design of Man', seeking always for those who earnestly sought to actually experience the Truth which sets men and women free.

In the early 1950's, with G.P.C. Chiropractic Movement leader Dr. George Shears, Albert Ackerly D.C. of Toronto, Canada and others, he devoted himself wholly to establishing the first 'Servers Training School' at 'Sunrise Ranch', in Eden Valley, near Loveland, Colorado, for anyone who desired above all else to serve both God and their fellowman by Living in Attunement with the Truth of Love inherent within. Exploration of the Perennial Principles of Being, the art of Spiritual Counseling and practical application of their shared Vision through farm work filled their days, while even deeper meditation upon the 'ordinances of heaven' and their manifestation on earth filled their nights.
Decades ahead of his time , Uranda's clear and down to earth extemporaneous elucidation of the Principles of Reality, and the deeper study of what he termed 'Spiritual Psychiatry', and 'Attunement', rounded out a highly esoteric, life changing and practical curriculum. Through these 6 month 'Class' periods were established the basis for the selfless avenues of service and blessing which extended out into the broader world in various ways as those who attended and 'caught the vision', drew near and " let the matter prove itself out."
People were drawn to Uranda by his charm, unshakable integrity and magnetic personality. He was fond of saying, "Come to Sunrise Ranch and we'll show you heaven on earth." In the atmosphere of the mid 1940's to mid 50's, those who lived on Sunrise Ranch, in the Spartan conditions available, were a rare breed indeed. British dons, Canadian chiropractors, businessmen and people from every walk of life from the U.S.A. and beyond, joyfully transcended all the comforts of the growing materialism of their era to find 'the truth of their inner being'. They dug latrines, wells, and set their hands to a thousand and one other jobs which they had never dreamed, nor imagined they'd find themselves engaged in. Why? Because of their growing inner compulsion that not only allowed them comprehend the principles of the truth of love which Uranda delightedly opened up with an inexhaustible enthusiasm; but more importantly, he showed them how to make these truths their own by proving out what they had learned in the fullness of the moment. And in doing so, not only was the barren land brought back to life; but so was 'the inner landscape' healed and renewed in countless lives, and a way shown how this gift could be given freely to anyone who so desired it. And so was established 'a place apart' in the earth for all who sought the Reality of Home and the Way to Selflessly Serve one's fellows according to the vast Design of Life's creative Purposes.
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Together, this band of honest, inquiring, intelligent and loving individuals, pioneered frontiers of Consciousness and Service which penetrated 'vibratory ceilings' that were and largely still are unprecedented in a group setting anywhere on earth.
Uranda taught that mere 'knowledge about', was a bottomless pit, and that the actual spiritual expression from the One within, was the only real way of truly knowing anything. Within each man or woman there resides an individual aspect of divine being, and from this source springs all knowledge and wisdom.
The setting of Sunrise Ranch, (purchased in 1945) allowed for the teaching and proving out out of the principles and practicality of what Uranda called "The Spiritual Expression Plane Approach". The goal was nothing less than 'The Restoration of Mankind to their Divine Estate.'
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Sunrise Ranch has blossomed as a rose in the desert, and today is known worldwide as an 'Intentional Spiritual Community' of some 150 unique individuals whose range of creative expression is as broad as Life itSelf. In recent years, Sunrise has also become one of the premiere spiritual conference centeres that provides live in facilities for many Groupings who are exploring Consciousness in their own way, and provides a rich and tranquil atmosphere for all who travel there.

Those who live there, and in many other places across the globe serve as a vibrant reminder that one individual can make a difference on earth, and a group in 'agreement with Source' even more so. This is so as 'right spirit' is given creative and consistent expression in each moment, and one stays centered in Attunement with the Laws and Principles of Being.


Let us come together in the Spirit of Oneness inherent in Life ItSelf, and meditate upon that which connects us all. For all Life is One from Eternity to Eternity. And access comes only in the Present Moment.

Some of the most beautiful, poetic, and meaningful words ever given expression by URANDA to those seeking true orientation in living are contained in a slim volume entitled SEVEN STEPS TO THE TEMPLE OF LIGHT. First released in 1936, it resonates with an ever deepening meaning too all who consider the eternal truths which it calls to remembrance. The words, when read aloud, carry a vibration of absolute love and truth, and resound with a firm yet gentle authority. This makes them as meaningful today as on the day they were first written.
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The following is Step One, from Chapter One, of the booklet:
Patience relates to the physical nature of the outer man.. In it is a resignation to the Will of the Wonderful One within. In it is a perfect unconcern in regard to that which may take place in the outer world. In true Patience is the steadfast attitude toward the unreal, 'IT MATTERS NOT TO ME.' Thus it is that the outer man is free from all attachments of the outer world and, being free, perfect patience is maintained in Tranquility. Let Love Radiate without concern for results.

The physical nature of man, and of all other material things, is the result of Absolute Reality, and it is only through the inherent Reality that is in them that they exist. To deny the physical and the material is to deny the Reality also. All material things are, in themselves, Perfect. The physical body is Real and beautiful beyond words to describe- it is Wonderful beyond all the imaginings of mankind. In it are revealed the secret things of God. Through it work the Cosmic Forces of the Universe. Evil results from material things, including the physical body of man, only when the Cosmic Laws of Being are ignored.

He who can rejoice in the physical, and behold beauty in all material things, remaining unconcerned about the apparent misapplications in the world around him, having released all in perfect selflessness, desiring nothing, but enjoying all things, so that he lives in the Source of all that is, even the Positive Center of God Being within himself, is he who knows true Patience. For him there is no cause of irritation, for he dwells in the Eternity of this present instant. For him there can be no suffering, for he counts all things joy in the privilege of Service. He can make no sacrifice, for he holds to nothing, is attached to nothing, but dwells constantly in all things. This is he who has entered into the Patience of the Lord, for this is the one who has become a doorkeeper in the Temple of his Lord.

In this is the privilege of abiding always in the constant Service of the Father within, being ever ready to open the Door, that the Master within may serve mankind in every thought that vibrates through the physical body, in every word that flows from his lips, and in every act that comes into manifestation through the body. This is the Lord's Service, which He will render through each one who will become a doorkeeper in His Temple. His Temple is The Temple of Light, even the Body of Light which surrounds the Lord at all times. He who despises the body, of himself or of another, despises the Temple of the Lord, for 'know ye not that your body is the Temple of God'? In Patience there is no condemnation. In Patience is Radiant Love.
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Released by URANDA in February of 1936

'Enter in' at the Gate which is called 'Straight', for 'the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'
This is 'coming into Attunement ' with ' your individual Source of Being', in whom all things of beauty, wisdom, peace, assurance, wonder, and reality are contained.

In this era, 'the Approach', or manner of entering into a state of Attunement is not just through the Physical or Intellectual Planes of outer being. Both of these approaches have their merits and have been offered to mankind in the past. Yet they have failed to allow mankind to fully return to the 'Edenic state' as the divine beings we were created to be. If they had, the world would be a far different place.

This Way is offered now to all that will accept personal responsibility to exemplify their own integrity through 'The Third Sacred School'. And this experience is known only through the use of what is most clearly described as THE SPIRITUAL EXPRESSION PHASE of your outer Being. It is a capacity designed for Radiant expression, even as the body and mind have their particular functions. However, the mind, being but an adjunct of Being, cannot 'of itself' arrive at an understanding of Being. But, when the Truth of Being is actually experienced through Spiritual Expression, one finds that Spirit never violates the laws of logic and reason. So, this most encompassing Plane or capacity of our being is designed to be the means for the expression of Spirit, in thought, word, and attitude in every moment.

Here is what I spoke of as 'vibrational responsibility' on 'The Attunement Center' page which began our odyssey. It relates to our clear perception of, and expression of, the higher vibratory aspects of Spirit in others and in what we call 'our environment'.
Thus 'spiritual things, are spiritually discerned.'

This 'approach' to living is by means of what I and many others call 'a vibrational' one. One might say in this approach, one gradually matures into giving expression to the clearest and highest vibrational expression that one can, in every thing to which ones energy is directed. This especially includes the so-called 'mundane' matters of living, for after all, they occupy the greatest amount of our time. So we allow them to be the means through which Spirit is creatively given expression. Life is thus turned into a glorious adventure of 'radiating' Spirit. And not just any old spirit. Rather, those Spirits which are true and fitting; Spirit which is of the highest and best of which we are capable. The Spirit of Love. The Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Life. The Spirit of Purification. The Spirit of Blessing. The Spirit of Single-Mindedness. And, The Spirit of The New Earth. Such are the Seven Spirits of Being which must be set free into all the earth by all who chose to be vibrationally responsible.

The regenerative process through which one may begin to recall how to let these Spirits radiate through you is Now operative through 'The Spiritual Expression Plane Approach' as revealed through The Third Sacred School. The means is now at hand for those whose 'Intent is pure' to experience complete fulfillment individually and collectively for the benefit of The Whole of which you are a part. 'Come and See'. Only you can Be yourSelf.

"The Way is easy, and the burden is Light."

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In 'The One Law' the KEY to ALL Mysteries is Revealed.


It's study and application comprises the whole curricula of The Third Sacred School,
yet it will take an eternity of eternities to exhaust the subject!

. Let Light Increase!

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60 years after the birth of The Third Sacred School, the legacy of Uranda's work continues to flow forth with potency in the Earth. In individuals, communities, and in many places throughout this whole earth.

As we are true to the truth of our own being where we are, we find the world of our environment is transformed. Those who awaken to the fact that responsibility for all things rests within our individual and collective consciousness, are those who finally realize that it is in our individual return to the true state of Man, male and female, that allows the entire world to be transformed and restored to a place of beauty and wholesomeness.

Leaders Wanted!
Men and women of courage and integrity are wanted to participate in the greatest adventure imaginable. Leaders are always needed 'to assist' in the Creative Work of the Restoration of mankind to their Divine Estate.
Life ItSelf is seeking those individuals whose 'inner urge' is calling them to 'rise up' in response to the Positive Center of Being within, find out what it means to Serve the needs of the Whole.
This is the challenge Life has prepared for those who awakening in this New Day. Who shall answer?


One of those who did answer this call along the way, who presently lives and works as an Attunement Practitioner at 'Mickleton House' in London, England, is Rodger Hyodo. His words in the following piece (written for the monthly, 'The Emissary International' several years back), really sum up the experience, the vision, and the spirit of what was and is actually conveyed by those who embody in their living, the practical and loving wisdom of The Third Sacred School.


My experience of Uranda's work, the 1-week, 1- and 2 month classes, etc., revealed to me something that was unique to 'The Emissaries', as a spiritual organization. I would describe that 'something' like this: Uranda, Martin, and others, as ones who filled primary roles of leadership in this organism, had each presented to me (and other people) what I would describe as an opportunity to vibrationally sign a divine contract--a contract which was a unique commitment of service to God, made between my inner, true Self and the God of Love. What was unique about this contract was the ?fine print? that I found at the bottom of it, so to speak. And whenever I made a point of confirming the authenticity of that fine print with Martin, or others directly, they always stood by it. The fine print went something like this:

"Only you can find your true path."

And, "No one can reveal that to you--for you,"

"No one can tell you what your individual purpose in this life is. That is a truly unique commission that can only be known by you, between you and God."

And finally, "The only way that I could know that path and its details is through my (purified) heart."

How individuals stood by that fine print is an individual story. In my view, this 'fine print' was pointing directly to an acknowledgment by those of us who signed the contract (figuratively), that we would accept full personal responsibility for ourselves, to consciously establish and maintain our individual heart connection with God, while also honoring the need to find ways for ongoing 'heart purification' and the learning of ever finer levels of a spiritually generative lifestyle.

The Meaning of my individual life was no longer to be controlled by what is presently called 'shadow', and not so long ago was revealed to me as my 'human nature patterns'. Nothing was to stand between my capacities of expression, my individual true Self, and the Focal Point of Deity or Being for this world, the God of Love.

I believe that Uranda saw the day coming when each individual would be called to consciously reveal their direct heart connection with God: That he saw what he was initiating in the form of 'the Emissary body' as a 'sacred micro', in human consciousness, of what would continue to unfold as a key part of a whole new era for mankind.

It was always emphasized that we 'Emissaries' weren't the only ones on the planet doing this spiritual re-generation work, creating a safe place in consciousness, bringing all who wish to come to this point where that 'small print' in the contract is being called forth as a 'headline'!

By Rodger Hyodo , England
Excerpted with permission from the Emissary International Monthly

We shall delightedly feature excerpts and transcripts of the extraordinary and voluminous works of Uranda and of Martin (Cecil) Exeter, the second Focal Point of the Third Sacred School.
These shall appear as 'The Meditation of The Month'. And we shall maintain an index of such offerings if you are just touching in for the first time. (Please see the bottom of this page.)

I might add that I had the privilege of knowing and serving in spiritual agreement with Martin for some twenty years. So now, if I and my colleagues can share even one sixty sixth of what he assisted me in allowing to open up in my consciousness, I shall be delighted to have passed on something of true and lasting value. In the months to come , I shall maintain and constantly update this web site, featuring at least one new selection per month.

If you wish to receive more, e-mail me at [email protected]


Selection of the Month

Being mere babes in the Way, let us be likewise eager to receive the nurture and sustenance which is offered without price by those who know absolutely who they are and why they chose to come on earth, whosoever, wheresoever they may be. The Spirit of Love contained within the tender words of Truth which follow in the piece 'YOU', convey to each and every one who longs for fulfillment , exactly what is needful. They speak directly to each one, at whatever level of consciousness, who are in the process of their awakening to the Truth of themSelves. And there are as many levels as there are human beings. But to begin the journey of 'a thousand miles', one must start from exactly where they are, and not where we imagine we are. But here and now.

And in fact, where each one is now, is perfect!

Be thankful for everything which has brought you to this very moment. Leave nothing out. For if even one detail were somehow changed, you would not be reading these words. Life is more than able to co-ordinate All things perfectly; from Galaxies to Gaia, to the fulfillment of the individual's purpose for being. Let us continue to let all things work to perfection.
And in all things give thanks.

We leave you for this time with the first part of a meditation by Uranda entitled
Your love has brought you to your present state of being, and you are finding that you have a place to fill in the living of life. Your place cannot be taken from you by anyone, and neither can you take the place of another.

You know that your life has not expressed the fullness that is possible to you, but you are willing to forget the past. You are willing to live in this present moment, that you may thereby allow the release of your own inner reality.

You are a very fine person. The only trouble is that you have been misunderstood because you have misunderstood yourself. There is something deep in you, and no one has ever plumbed this depth in you.

There is nothing for you to regret, and as you are drawn into oneness in your inner reality you will no longer think of yourself as the one the world has thought you to be. Then you will no longer think, speak or act of your outer self, for you will be one in the truth of your inner reality. In reality you are a creator. You give of yourself, and that which you give is of reality. The reality of health and perfection is coming out through you now. Yes, I can see the changes taking place in you, and everything is working out just right. Just be patient and let your love flow forth.

The above excerpt is from
Copyright © 1977 by ' Emissaries of Divine Light' All rights reserved.
Further inquiry addressed to The Publishers will bring you an introductory interactive correspondence course in The Art of Living that offers a beginning understanding of this Service and more, which is offered freely to all without price, to the Glory of God.
In Canada, write with questions or comments to
Gary Courtland-Miles
The Vibrational Ark


Table of Contents
or as promised
Explore the past meditations.


"Let love radiate without concern for results." ~Uranda~

~ Martin Exeter ~


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