Dedicated to all who seek the Way
Let all those into whose hands these words, from the booklet 'Seven Steps To The Temple Of Light' know that these words of the Way, the Truth and the Life are released to you through 'The Third Sacred School' by URANDA, and are published by Emissaries of Divine Light.

Let all who will, come and drink freely of the Water of Life, even the Water of Truth--and the word of welcome awaits all who Respond. Further literature concerning this Service, which is offered freely to all without price, to the glory of God is available by contacting the publishers.




Our function, as Emissaries, is to let Reality manifest in the world chaos, that in due season the Responding Ones of the masses will be drawn into harmonization with the Focal Expression of Reality which is made manifest through us in the world. The Way whereby this function in the Radiance of Reality may best manifest is clearly revealed herein.

Let your attention be given to a general reading of all seven chapters of this booklet, after which begin with the First Step on the First Day of the week, reading it carefully in the morning--and then do all things on that day in the Attitude and Realization of that Step. On the evening of that day read it again before retiring, in the Radiance of Blessing to your Brother Man. On the Second Day, use the Second Step likewise, until the Seven Steps have been used in one week. When the week is thus completed, let the next day be a day of rest and of general contemplation of all the Steps to the Temple of Light, whereupon another cycle of Seven Days will
begin in which the Seven Steps are used as before. Continue thus for Seven Cycles, which will take eight weeks, in that a Day of Rest follows each Cycle of Seven Days.


Patience relates to the physical nature of the outer man. In it is a resignation to the Will of the Wonderful One within. In it is a perfect unconcern in regard to that which may take place in the outer world. In true Patience is the steadfast attitude toward the unreal, "IT MATTERS NOT TO ME." Thus it is that the outer man is free from all attachments of the outer world and, being free, perfect Patience is maintained in Tranquility. Let Love Radiate without concern for results.

The physical nature of man, and of all other material things, is the result of Absolute Reality, and it is only through the inherent Reality that is in them that they exist. To deny the physical and the material is to deny the Reality also. All material things are, in themselves, Perfect. The physical body is Real and beautiful beyond words to describe--it is Wonderful beyond all the imaginings of mankind. In it are revealed the secret things of God. Through it work the Cosmic Forces of the Universe. Evil results from material things, including the physical body of man, only when the Cosmic Laws of Being are ignored. He who can rejoice in the physical, and behold beauty in all material things, remaining unconcerned about the apparent misapplications in the world around him, having released all in perfect selflessness, desiring nothing, but enjoying all things, so that he lives in the Source of all that is, even the Positive Center of God Being within himself, is he who knows true Patience. For him there can be no cause of irritation, for he dwells in the Eternity of this present instant. For him there can be no suffering, for he counts all things joy in the privilege of Service. He can make no sacrifice, for he holds to nothing, is attached to nothing, but dwells constantly in all things. This is he who has entered into the Patience of the Lord, for this is the one who has become a doorkeeper in the Temple of his Lord.

In this is the privilege of abiding always in the constant Service of the Father within, being ever ready to open the Door, that the Master within may Serve mankind in every thought that vibrates through the physical body, in every word that flows from the lips, and in every act that comes into manifestation through the body. This is the Lordīs Service, which He will render through each one who will become a doorkeeper in His Temple. His Temple is the Temple of Light, even the Body of Light which surrounds the Lord at all times. He who despises the body, of himself or of another, despises the Temple of the Lord, for "know ye not that your body is the Temple of God?" In Patience there is no condemnation. In Patience is Radiant Love.


Tranquility relates to the mental nature of the outer man. In it is the perfect Peace of the Wonderful One within. In Tranquility is the everlasting attitude toward external events wherein one can truly say, "NONE OF THESE THINGS MOVE ME." Tranquility is the supreme virtue of the outer man, for therein is perfect freedom from all external turbulence--perfect freedom in the limitless Eternal. In Tranquility all unwanted characteristics are dissolved, for nothing of a destructive nature can abide therein. Tranquility springs forth from the Fountain of Realization. Let Love Radiate, without thought of results.

The outer mind of man is necessary to manīs salvation, yet is it the snare that prevents men from entering in. The function of the outer mind is not to attempt to direct the affairs of men, for it is rightly ordained as a Channel through which the Wonderful One, even the Lord within, may direct all things on the material planes. As an Open Window for the Inner Being, the outer mind is Perfect. That outer mind which is Tranquil, and one-pointedly centered in the One within, is an Open Window through which the glories and powers of the Wonderful One may shine forth into the world in Perfect Service to mankind. Such a mind is an Open Window through the veil, through which man may see and know the wonders of heaven, even the Realms of Light.

The Way of Tranquility is the Way of the Wonderful One, for he who puts his full and complete trust in his Father within, remaining centered in Him, knowing Him as the One Source, is he who is Tranquil. To such an one the tempests and stormy waves of world uncertainty are nothing, for I AM THAT I AM speaks the blessed Word, "Peace, be still," and for him there is a great calm. A Tranquil Mind lets the Sonīs Light in, and all clouds of darkness are dispelled. He who is Patient can be drawn up into Tranquility, and
therein he finds Realization. Tranquility flows forth from the One within, calming the waves that distort the vision, removing the mountains that prevent release, pouring the soothing Oil of Love upon the feverish brow of the weary one who turns wholeheartedly to the Lord. This is the Way. No matter how hard anyone may strive, struggle, fight, or attempt to use the outer-mind willpower, Tranquility is no more than a dream until the weary one turns to the Lord and puts his trust in the Wonderful One within. Then it is that he finds Peace. Then it is that Tranquility enfolds him. Then it is that his outer mind lets go and becomes an Open Window for the Service of the Lord within. In Tranquility is the supreme virtue, and through it shines Radiant Love.


Realization relates to the Spiritual Expression Nature of the outer man. In Realization is recognition of that which is. In Realization there is a perfect letting go, for in this State the Blessed One ceases to want anything whatsoever, and of desire there is none. Herein there is no effort to strive, or struggle, or climb, for the Blessed One does nothing for a reward. When nothing is done to attain a so-called good reward, or to avoid a so-called evil result, the Blessed One does all things for the pure love of responding to the Inner Urge, considering not that which shall be, but abiding always in a Realization of that which is.

In Realization the Blessed One is fully aware that all thing necessary to the outworking of the Perfect Plan are already provided in every detail.

All the Wisdom required by the Blessed One now is, and is instantly available from within. So also, all Power now is; all Knowledge now is; all Substance now is; all required things now are; for all things are provided already from the foundation of the world, and there never was a time since the world began when they were not.

In Realization is the absolute awareness of the Presence of the Wonderful One within. Realization reveals the Truth that in the Presence all things are. Realization of the Presence proves the Truth that sets men free. Realization is the Way of Perfect Freedom in the Presence, wherein there is no lack nor limitation. Realization knows, and knows that it knows, and thereby does it allow the Blessed One to be uplifted into Absolute Assurance. He who lets go to the Spirit of the Words, "Be still and know that I AM God," is he who finds Realization expanding through himself from the Wonderful One within. He who looks within himself, without wavering, in one-pointed letting go, depending on no Source but the One within, free of all external attachments, enjoying and giving thanks for all things, letting Love Radiate in every thought, word and deed, directed by the One in true Service, is he who experiences Realization, for this is Illumination, and the fruition thereof is, "I AM THAT I AM." He who is one with the Wonderful One within, who is the One in whom the responding one becomes I AM, thereby experiences the Realization of his rightful Place and Function in the Cosmic Plan under I AM THAT I AM, who has sent him.

First Edition, February 1936
Second Edition, March 1940
Third Edition, March 1958
Fourth Edition, June 1977
Copyright (c) The Third Sacred School
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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