The Vibrational Ark is affiliated with 'The Third Sacred School, The Emissaries, and a worldwide non-denominational holistically spiritual organism of awakening individuals who are experiencing a wonderfull yet almost inexplicaple transformation as a Whole Body of Consciousness, through the simple expedient of accepting 'vibrational responsibility'. Such is unimaginable experience is a natural gift of the Way of the Christ. The depth of our often unprecedented friendships, individually and collectively, by reason of our attunement with the 'non-local' Reality of GODBEING, is truly awesome. Some of them spanning over 50 years! And oh the joy of Real Family! "Unspeakable and full of Glory", as it was once put. 

This cyber site is also one aspect of the spiritual educational phase of what has been, and continues to be provided to all who respond, by 'The Third Sacred School'and is leading beyond into the Fourth Sacred School. To this end we enjoy a long standing 'online community' which welcomes all serious lovers of Life and expansive Understanding. It is called BEINGNOW: AN EVER OPEN DOOR, wherein we share 'Radiant Proactive Meditations and the Service which such work engenders vibrationally throughout the Consciousness of humankind and every other kingdom of Creation on spaceship earth.

 Our one-pointed concern is Attunement with the Re-Creative Cycle of the True Tone', or 'The Source of Being' as it manifests through 'The ONE LAW' : 

"Radiation >Response >Attraction >Union >Unified Radiation >" infinitum.

This actually means "Letting love radiate, without concern for results." Or simply being true to one's highest sense of personal Integrity and Vision. Doing/Being this, one soon discovers that there is indeed a Cosmic and vital Purpose for Humankind on earth. When we make the world changing decision to 'Let Life live us, rather than trying to live Life'... a whole new world opens immediately and  a freedom most only dream of becomes a palpable reality. For there IS work to be done by conscious individuals who will come into Attunement with Life's Purposes.

It is my sincere hope that this labor of love Website may be of whatever small help to anyone who 'hungers and thirsts' after the truth of themselves, desirous of  experiencing and sharing 'the More' which each of us senses is present, awaiting to be Known.

"Knock and it shall be opened unto you".  May you enjoy the feast prepared for you here as you seek "a city of habitation" as you continue your 'great journey' across the often lonely windswept tracks of 'the inner wilderness'.




The immediate goal of 'Being' is 'the Restoration of Mankind' to our 'Divine Estate' as One Family under the inspiration of the Spirit of the Most High. This relates to the fulfillment of all of our individual potentialities, and our true relationship with and responsibilities too all other kingdoms of nature on this planet. Herein may we discover our real purpose for being.

CENTER>The Art and Science of Being is our topic on this Web-Site, and it covers virtually everything, both under and within the Sun.  May some of what is imparted through this site, call to remembrance these vital realities within your own consciousness.






The Heart or Feeling Realm