Reviews/Whatever Else

Okay, I've been online--in the "I have a webpage sense"--for almost three weeks and I've already decided to add some new accoutrements. Yes sirree, I've decided upon a page where I review stuff; stuff being music, new technological devices, books, whatever else (notice the deliberate attempt to link the sentence to the title, clever eh?). Anyway, my reviews may or may not be reviews in the literal sense of judging the merit of something based on its function and qualities. I mean, I'm just some girl from Chicago, my "reviews" may very well turn out to be fanatical ravings based on my personal feeling or incomplete thoughts based on appearance. That remains to be seen. I'll try to be comprehensive when possible so that the three of you who actually happen upon my page can have some idea as to the listening or functioning value of a thing, but I guarantee you nothing.
Well, I'm very excited to have something to review, for those of you who know me personally know that I'm very often broke and cannot afford to buy anything. However, due to a small fortune that's come my way, I've been able to secure some new music and this shall be the fodder on which my first reviews shall be based. COMING SOON! Reviews of El da Sensei, Sach, and Donnie.

Ten Things I'd Trade My Siblings For This Week
  • A pair of Diesel boots
  • A fashionable, but warm winter coat
  • A pair of snakeskin concords
  • Some red velcro Adidas (Dallas)
  • The Alfred Hitchcock Box Set Vol. 1
  • A Burgundy S70 Vovlo
  • A dark blue Volkswagon Golf
  • A driver's license
  • My own personal Iron Chef
  • A Life
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