The Wolf Den

Welcome! For you have Journeyed into the Wolf Den. We welcome you to this newly established haven for wolves and wolven friends. You will see scattered about pictures of wolves that have made this place their home. We ask you that you bear with us as we are still working hard to teach you exactly what a wolf is. For wolves are one of the most misunderstood creatures. At this den we are here to educate and entertain as wolf is often said to be a guide, leader, and teacher. Please, we extend a friendly paw to you and hope that you enjoy what little we have set up. Thank you!!!

Now this is the Law of the Jungle,
As old and as true as the sky;
And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall
Break it must die.

Like the Creeper that girdles the tree trunk,
The law runneth forward and back;
For the strength of the pack is the wolf
And the strength of the wolf is the pack.

--Rudyard Kipling

The Language Of the Wolf

The Great Hunter


Growing up is hard to do! (pup to adult)

Safe Havens for Wolves On the Web

Journey With The Wolf

The Wolven Version of War and Peace

Wolf Webrings

Wolf Poetry

This is a meager collection of some of the poetry about wolves that our den has collected. We would love for you to read it, but please don't post it on other pages without permission or use for anything other then personal use. Thank you! We appreciate it.

Her Song

A True Howl

Lone Wolf

Main Page

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