The Wolven Version of War and Peace

I subscribe to many wolf internet newsletters and interest groups. Along the way the wolf makes the news. Often you recieve tidbits of the wolf that has made the news. Much of it is the battle that the wolf fights each day to survive on this earth with humans. Sadly enough, nthere are many more stories of losing battles the peace. Feel free to read some of these stories. The reflect the prejudice against wolves many times becouse of a lack of knowledge about them. I will post more when I recieve them.

Silent Passage

On it's journey to extinction a wolf pauses and looks back on those that are helping with that journey. There is no malice in the wolf's eyes, rather there is a hint of tragic understanding,an instinctive intelligence that knows that all species including mankind will disappear from its environment when that environment is altered by a stronger force. The world will be a poorer place if the wolf passes in history.
~~found at Spirit of The Wolf

Russian Wolves

Yellowstone Wolves--Death of 300?

Minnesota Wolves Killed

Silent Wolf's Trails Map

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