Hunting Techinques

The intelligence of wolves is shown in their hunting techinques. It is done cooperatively and obediently. In hunting situations such as these is when the alpha really needs to take charge becouse this is when the pack needs a leader to issue the commands.

Hunting is done very systematically. The first step is to analyze certain herds and animals before making the real chase. A pack will often make 8 or 9 runs at certain herds or animals before deciding to really attack or hunt the animal. It takes only seconds for taking in all of the information of the situation. Once a herd finnally does attack, it is often succesful.

So how exactly do they choose which animal is right? Wolves prey on injured, diseased, and weak animals. In this way, wolves also strengthen the caribou, moose, and deer populations by weeding out these animals and letting the strong to survive and reproduce. Wolves will hunt as large animals as bison and moose that weight over 1,000 pounds.

Some may think that after a herd has been decidedly okayed for the hunt that the entire packs chases after the animals. This isn't so. The alpha will first send in a set of wolves to chase the animals. When they began to lag and get tired the alpha sends in some relief runners. In this way the chase can continue without any of the wolves becoming overly excerted.

Wolves jaws are powerful--twice as powerful as a domestic dogs. They can exert about 1500 pounds per inch!

Although wolves are talanted hunters they are used to non-regular meals. They can go days without food, but at once sitting they can eat up to 20 pounds of food.


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