Asperger's Are Us is the first comedy troupe composed of people diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.
We've performed over 150 original absurdist sketch shows in 10 countries since 2010.
We do not poke fun at (or mention) Asperger's and we did not form to prove that autistic people can be funny.
We formed for the same reason anyone does comedy: To make you laugh!
Please do not expect us to be anything like the sitcoms about autism, or anything else that relies on making fun of people.
Expect silly deadpan sketches that appeal to fans of Monty Python, Andy Kaufman, and The Weather Channel.
Thanks for coming!
Upcoming Performances
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The Day We Took Over Mark Duplass's Twitter
Interested in autism?
Our 10-Second Podcast
Frequently Asked Questions
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Friends of Asperger's Are Us
Jack's interview with Jeeves
Duplass Brothers Productions docu-series about us, on HBO.
Web design by Mark Zuckerberg
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