Monica Kelly

My recent work is an exploration of gradual color transformation in tapestry.  All of the wool and silk yarns are hand dyed specifically for each piece according to a pre-set procedure. Sometimes this involves dying the yarn in one color and dipping  it in another.  I try to keep the designs fairly simple so that this color change is the main interest.  The tapestries can take anywhere from four weeks to six months to weave depending on the design.  Just click Here to browse.
Woods Art
Living next to a watershed I can't help being distracted by all the great fiber supplies.  The woody vines are incredible;  and occasionally I find an extraordinary stick.  So, even though I consider myself to be primarily a tapestry weaver my artwork takes some unpredictable detours....
Just click Here to browse.


Gourds are a wonderful art medium, both light weight and extremely durable.  They actually bounce when you drop them.  They are inexpensive to grow and reasonable to purchase; but they do require a lot of clean up.  There is always a down side.  Just click Here to browse.
Click on my name above to learn more about me.
Any questions or comments?  I would love to read them.
Email me [email protected]

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