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corpacorp.JPG (80017 bytes) CORP A CORP!

Broadswords locked quillion to quillion... foes locked eye to eye!

See the swords glitter in the light..silver of blades shining,  thin edges sliding menacingly.. gold crossguards holding the other sword away...

BUT those JesterSwords they're holding are foam and plastic, and when they break this clinch they can swing and thrust to their hearts content in perfect safety

(thanks Greta and Justin)

die.jpg (57009 bytes) There can be Only One!

A common Highlander misquote.. what Juan Sanchez Villalobos Ramirez was ACTUALLY saying was "There can be only JUAN"..good thing the young Scotsman misheard him...


(Greta and Justin again)

brian1.JPG (61816 bytes) ZWEIHANDER

Here's another young Scotsman.. but not having McCloud's peculiar constitution he's taking extra insurance in the form of a German Zweihander (lets see one of them pull THAT out from under a coat...) its got reach, its got authority and its got style


Fortunately you don't have to take it from him.. I'll be happy to make you another one...

(Thanks Brian)

greta1.JPG (60614 bytes) Young Chivalry

even in this photo you can make out some detail on the grip of this sword..

I can  customize the grips  to your specifications..

sometimes I wrap the "pleather " tightly around some chord which leaves one type of effective grip texture.. other times I build up  finger notches and a "trigger" as the whim strikes me..  the very least I do is put in some form of tag so your hand knows where the edge is..

(Greta again)

greta2.JPG (51652 bytes) the sword she's holding here is the broadsword configured for one handed use and with the optional extended crossguard..

to extend the quillons out that far and have them both rigid enough for effective parrying and SAFE in case you should hit someone with them I use high- pressure hose , well padded with foam insulation...

in extreme cases I reinforce the two pieces of hose (one on each side of the grip) with heavy gauge copper wire WITH THE ENDS BOTH pointed inward and terminating near the grip...

which means its rigid enough  and can be shaped to your desire and will hold that shape... but if you hit someone with your crossgaurd.. it bends.long before it would be likely to really hurt someone

justin1.JPG (49040 bytes) A really good picture of our Broadsword.. here with t he extended grip for hand and a half/two handed use...roughly 43" in length, the extended grip also helps give the weapon good balance without recourse to using weights..

Most REAL swords , intended for use in battle in this period had a balance about six inches forward of the index finger.. and I've found that to be exactly right for the very best handling characteristics.

without special counterbalancing this sword balances at 8" which is GOOD, but if you really want the best....

justin2.JPG (71265 bytes) another portrait shot.. and again... if you didn't KNOW this was a soft sculpture replica for play and practice.. wouldn't you just assume it was a real sword?
(thanks Justin)
keith1.jpg (33198 bytes) I have seen SO MANY wonderful pictures of people in beautiful costumes posing, or even in action shots ruined by their holding what looks like wiffle bats in socks...

Seriously  a grim and grand barbarian or well dressed warrior princess outfit just loses a lot when pictures with conventional 'wifflebat' type boffers.

If youre going to spend hours or small fortunes on armor or costumes , it just makes sense to get jesterswords  so you can be picture perfect

keith3.jpg (41059 bytes) Live or Memorex?

how about "steel or JesterSword?"


(thanks Kieth)

kjtemplar1.JPG (56273 bytes) Lets talk investment..

You spend a hundred, or two hundred or MORE dollars on a real sword.. you can polish it .. you can wear it... perhaps at fair friends will admire it..

Buy two or more JesterSwords and you have the beginning of a can use them or practice with them as often as you like.. healthy safe exercise...

oh and if you have a real sword, you can get a shadow JesterSword in it likeness, weight and balance so that you an really feel confident that if you ever needed it (for instance that rare silly burglar that didn't wait till you weren't home) you could be well practiced and versed with the weight and feel and use of your favorite "decorative historical piece"

mercy1.JPG (73720 bytes) THIS gives you a good idea of the cross section of the swords and how good the visibility would be for stage fighting..

first, from a LARP -ish point of view you can see how SMALL the cross section that is compared to the ROUND bofferswords your used to ..the whiffle swish of the round shape passing through the air is gone and the aspect of a sword elevates your role-play battles

From  a STAGE point of view you can see that a REAL sword would not only be INHERENTLY unsafe here , no matter how dull, but that it would also DISAPPEAR to the audience.. on edge its practically invisible and you'd have to make sure your actor remembered to point the blade perpendicular to the audience..and pray she doesn't stumble, and no one bumps into her while this scene is in progress/being rehearsed... with JesterSwords, not only is the sword visible but this scene is so safe you can joke and play at it.

mercy2.JPG (73235 bytes) you'd think she's enjoying having him at mercy wouldn't you?


with a small arsenal of JesterSwords in the background.

have I mentioned how much fun you can have with a partypack?

one thing is certain ..unless you know other people  who have boffers or better yet JesterSwords.. you better get at least two...

(thanks to Justin and Greta again)


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