Aroha English Springer Spaniels
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Health Information
CERF: EN-6063/2008--127 Buzz's OFA Thyroid: normal 2/16/2009
Hips: EN-11737G132M-VPI Elbows: EN-EL1231M132-VPI PRA: EN-PRA13/112M-VPI
Pedigree--Show Results

Buzz is a black and white, heavily ticked, English Springer Spaniel (ESS) from a Back Yard Breeder (BYB).  He is my heart and soul.  Everything I’ve learned about training is because of him.  Together we have accomplished more than I ever dreamed we could.  He is one special boy who gives me 100% every time I ask for it.  

We competed in 4-H for four years together.  After that time, we took two years off to train, bond, and simply enjoy each other.  Taking time off was the best decision I’ve ever made for him, and for us as a team.  I was questioned about putting my six year old dog in 'puppy class' (now called foundations for a reason), but I knew it was what I had to do.  The efforts proved fruitful and together we built a foundation that is still standing strong today.  Our accomplishments may seem minor to some, but the fact that he wants to work with me is the best present I could have ever asked for.  The titles we've achieved as a team are icing on the cake.  

Our debut into the competitive dog world was AKC rally.  He achieved two perfect scores with placements on his first two runs.  His first ever title, RN, was achieved on 1/6/07.  Although his first title was in rally, our venue and activity of choice is NADAC agility.  He achieved his first agility title, NJC, on 7/7/07.  We also dabble in obedience (UKC) and rally (only APDT now).  He is retired from AKC now, except for the occasional foray into the Juniors ring with his Junior Handler friends.  His retirement came after a Rally Advanced qualifying score at the August TCVESSA show.  I made a deal with him prior to the show that if he gave me 100%, he would be done with all that AKC silliness.  He gave me everything and more earning a 98 and first place.  I’m holding up my end of the bargain now and he will forever have that single RA Q that was oh-so-memorable.

Buzz and I competed in USDAA juniors limitedly.  He was the first dog I showed in agility, even though he was far from ready at that time.  We acquired a JH-B together.

Buzz is registered with and competes in AKC, UKC, NADAC, and APDT.

Buzz's ARCH
1/5 QQs
42/30 L1B points
13/30 L2B points


Before 2007
2007 Titles
2008 Titles
2009 Titles
Titles in Progress
CGC (9/21/02)
JH-B (5/31/03)
RN (1/6/07)
NJC (7/7/07)
RL1 (8/5/07)
NAC (12/29/07)
TN-N (12/30/07)
UCD (1/19/08)
TG-N (3/16/08)
O-NJC (6/21/08)
NCC (6/21/08)
O-TN-N (7/6/08)
RL2 (8/9/08)
WV-N (3/15/09)
S-NJC (4/18/09)
O-NAC (4/10)
O-NCC (4/6)
OJC (0/3)
S-TN-N (7/10)
O-TG-N (5/6)
O-WV-N (3/6)
URO1 (1/3)
UCDX (0/3)
RL3 (1/3)

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