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The Latest Wombat Control Site Updates and News

Happy Happy Joy Joy, a new images comes just in time for the Holidays! Enjoy some new EA arse-kicking in "Defending Mars!"

Okay, so I suck at that whole "updates" thing. Don't despair, however, because Wombat Control is still around! Look for some new features coming up in the next few months! In the meanwhile, play around with my Shadow Hybrid LightWave model...

Well, it's been a while since the last update (at least not three months this time... :)) but I've got three brand new renders for you in the image galleries. These renders use Chris Sapiano's excellent new Warlock mesh along with an awesome new Omega mesh by Matthew Tarling!

Ouch! It's been a while since the last update! Well, don't worry, there's a great new addition to the site - the CRUSADE gallery. Featuring Craig A. Clark's excellent conversion of Thomas Banner's Excalibur model, this new gallery is dedicated to the Babylon 5 spin-off series Crusade. The show may be over, but the adventure will continue here at Wombat Control.

Also, links to the Spacebattles Alliance have been added - visit their forums for some exclusive LightWave tutorials written by yours truly!

Amazingly enough there's actually some new stuff here! Like two brand-spankin' new renders - Bin Attack and Fleet Reunion! There's even more yet to come, so keep coming back here for the latest!

Updated links to Epsilon Jumpgate in the links page. Added one smokin' new render to the White Star Gallery! First Wombat Control render using LightWave[6]!

Updated the Eon3D link in the links page.

Added some new links and some modeler info.

Since it appears that Wombat Control has been spared from the much-dreaded Y2K bug, the universe did not end, nor have the Dark Ages returned, that means it's time for a long needed Wombat Control redesign! If that weren't enough, the 2.0 version of my Babylon 5 LightWave model is out, featuring some awesome lighting setups by Hadrian! LW Animators, download this baby today! :)


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