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Wombat Control's Sci-Fi Images Collection

New Images Added!

"Defending Mars"
EA Gallery

This is where you'll find many Babylon 5 and Sci-Fi rendered images suitable for use as desktop wallpaper or themes. Each image is rendered in Newtek's LightWave - the same effects program used for shows such as Babylon 5, Crusade, The X-Files, Xena, Star Trek: Voyager and Deep Space Nine. Most new images are at a resolution of 1024x768 pixels, the standard size of most desktops.

These images could not have been made without the help of many talented modelers who spent many hours reverse engineering the complex geometries of the ships you see in my images. Here is a list of the people who have contributed the models used at Wombat Control.

First Ones Images

White Star Images

Misc. Images

Babylon 5 Images

Earth Alliance Images

Battle Images


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