
This mini-site is meant to be DefragNT and BruteBenchmark "HOME".

Both these applications were developed by myself, Andrei Gaceff. Further work on these two projects will also be my task. You can check each program's own section to learn all the details concerning their functionality. Briefly:

DefragNT is a disk partition defragmenting utility that runs under WindowsNT operating systems family (NT4, 2000, XP and upcoming NT architecture based). It is very visual about partition details and the file operations it performs. It implements many more file-sorting methods than other defragmenters, and it has, overall, more options.

BruteBenchmark has got to be one of the easiest to use and forever-useful benchmark programs ever released, since it is capable of performing fast yet relevant tests on the CPU, FPU, 2D graphics accelerator and also the hard disk. The issued results are reproductible and can be saved for future comparison.

Software available for download here is FREEWARE.

Also, it should be available at NONAGS and TUCOWS.



about Andrei Gaceff


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