U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D



U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-DClick on picture for Stat attack

The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D carries on the Starfleet tradition of boldly going where no-one has gone before. Commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, she was perhaps the most famous starship in the history of Starfleet.

This Galaxy-class vessel is the fifth Satrfleet ship to carry the famous name and was the flagship of the fleet although it's primary mission is to explore deep space.

To achieve this the Enterprise-D has 144 sensor pallets, each of these can be mounted in one of 284 different positions. There are three main types of sensors, long range which are located at the front of the of the engineering hull behind the deflector dish. Lateral sensors which are all over the primary and secondary hull. And navigational sensors which are also located all over the ship, these provide instant information about the speed and whereabouts of the ship.

Being the Federation's flagship, it also has to defend itself using all of the latest technology of it's era. Photon torpedoes are the main defensive weapon that galaxy-class starships use. They are useful up to 3,500,000 kilometres and can be fired at warp speed. The torpedoes are effective because they use seperate packets of matter and anti-matter that mix at a designated time.

Phaser banks are the most common weapon on Starfleet's ships. On the Enterprise there are 12 Type-X 5.1 Megawatts phasers. These can only be used at impulse power but they make up for that by having a large range.

The ships shields are invaluble, they provide protection from enemy fire, they use a highly localized spatial distortion.

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