Family Day
    by Aims
      In this programs, I obtain many experience and benefits. Firstly, in this programs it is make my relationships with all members in Aims more strong especially with senior. It is because in this program, all activities that they do can make me meet we senior. So our relationships especially with senior more close because all activities need we to do together. I also have experince in do activities without anyone. So it is can make me more brave if want to do something.
      Bengkel Powerpoint
      by Aims
        From this program, I learn more about how to use our powerpoint more attractive. To make our powerpoint more attractive, we need to ensure that our powerpoint simple but give many inputs to someone. When our powerpoint look beautiful so it is can easily to attract someone when we do presentation. They do not feel bored when do look at our powerpoint.
        Fasilitator In School Sport
        by SMKPurun
          In this event, I hold a big responsible. It is because I need to ensure nothing that happened to all students that involve in this event. To ensure nothing happend to all students I need protect them from do anything that can injured them. So, from this I learn many things that give effects to my life. I be more brave, confident ad more responsible when want to do anything.
          Campaign Kadet Bomba
          by SMKPurun
            In this campaign, I felt very enjoys. It is give me many experience to through our life. All activities teach me to be myself because I need to be brave and do anything without anyone.

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