Clan Sh�l
Guardian Photos
Clan Calender

Welcome to The Guardians Keep - Home of Clan Sh�l

We are an Amtgard fighting company based in the Shire Underhill in the Kingdom of the Valley of the Silver Rains. We are a Clan that is hoping to develop our talents as both fighters AND crafters! (GASP!) We have several members that are working on improving their own weapon and armor crafting skills, and others that are working on their garbing skills. As a whole we work together on our fighting skills, both in organize battle-games, and in one-on-one sparring. Our clan was founded by Lord B�lanos Sh�l, who also got Underhill started as a holding. For complete details on the founding of our clan, you can view his profile in our member pages.


4/27/03 - Dallas, OR Summer Fest Coming Up

One of the Members of the old Dallas, OR holding is trying to revitalize their group. Part of the effort is to get people from around the kingdom (and the area) to come out to the Dallas Summer Fest, and be part of the Parade. It is July 26th, and there will be a Demo and battlegames afterward. Clan Sh�l plans on attending to help them get started again.


4/25/03 - Clan Sh�l fights midweek in Corvallis

With Clan Sh�ls' numbers growing, and most of the members now residing in Corvallis, we have decided to start holding a midweek practice, for those memebers that can' make it to Sweet Home every week. This practice will always be announce over our Clan Mailing list, and most of the time it will also be announced here on the site as well. Most of the time they will be in the evenings and either wednesday or friday. Check back to stay posted!


3/23/03 Ryal De'Arth becomes Champion of Underhill!!

Yesterday, at the Shire Underhill's Spring Coronation event, Ryal De'Arth proved himself to be of the Sh�l bloodline and won the Championship Tournament! He has been named Champion of The Shire Underhill, and means to take his duties extremely seriously. There was a great deal of fun had by all as the non-standard weapons were swinging wildly, or in the case of my 8-headed 'scourge', pieces of the weapons went flying. I guess next time I'll find a better way to make it then Duct tape and FunNoodle. Live and learn.


3/16/03 Guradians loose the Amulet of Deflection to the Populace of Underhill

Today, at the Underhill fighter practice, our clan head, Lord B�lanos Sh�l, was found to be in possesion of an ancient relic, known as the Amulet of Deflection. As far as the populace can tell it completely protects the wearer from all non-magical range attacks! (Although it does seem to burn itself out after getting hit by a siege weapon, or if the wearer is trapped in a cave-in, a fairly common occurance in the Holding.) After much fighting, it was Theory Nolis who managed to emerge victorious and gain possession of the Amulet.

On another note, Ryal De'arth managed to get his shield finished in time for the fighting today. It is either a very large Medium shield, or a very small, Large shield, we're not sure which yet. And Cordan showed up today with hisplate bracers, made from a spare popcorn can laying about his house. Again, after recieving a -1 for non-period materials, and another -1 for thin material, they are still 3 points of armor.


3/10/03 - Underhill Coronation Approaching

As the Shire Underill approaches it's Spring Coronation, the members of Clan Sh�l prepare to fight for the position of Shire Champion, in the Non-Standard Weapons Tournament. Several of our members have actually completed their weapons and actually started testing them.

On a related note, Ryal De'Arth, has been making progress on his personal suit of Plate Armor. He has used a set of street hockey pads as the base, and has been rivetting on 20 gauge sheet metal. It is true that it gets reductions for non-period materials, and under-gauge metal, but it's still a respectable 3 points. Not bad for a first suit.


2/25/03 - Chan Sh�l Website Online!

Well, I've talked about it for awhile now, and here it is, our clan website. Look around, enjoy, and e-mail me about any problems you find. Thanks!
(BTW: If you want links, go to the Shire Underhill main page!)

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