
Spring Coronation & Tournament '03 - Wrap-up
Well, our Coronation has been and gone, and we have new holding officers once again. They are:

Sheriff: Brutis Wounded Knee, of Hobbil
Regent: Lord B�lanos Sh�l
Champion: Ryal De'Arth

Congratulations to Ryal, he had some definatley odd weapons to overcome to attain the position of Champion, but he did it. He also went 5 straight fights without a loss, which earns him his 2nd level order of the Warrior, Huzzah! We had one other fighter earn his first level order of the Warrior, but we do not yet know what he wishes to be called by. Kudos to all who participated in this tournament, it was a pleasure to see the array of 'Non-standard Weapons' that people came up with. They were the following:

A Scourge (8 headed flail)
A Bat'Leth (yes, like the Klingons use)
A Battle Fan (very useful in the hands of a monk)
An Antenna of Doom (big 'Y' shaped weapon)
A Slicer-basher (pendulum style blade at one end with a large mace head on the other)
A Hammer-n-Nail (Hammer head on one end with a Spear tip on the other)
A Four-headed Flail
An Orcish Lumberjack axe (axe with 2 heads, but both on the same side of the shaft at opposite ends)

Alot fo great weapons, and everybody that made them earned Orders of the Owl.

Now, if your scrolling down this page wondering, "what about that 'strange award' that was given out?" Then here is what you were looking for. First a bit of history:

When the Shire Underhill was first founded, the inhabitants had quite a rodent problem. many of the larger caverns that they wanted to use for dining halls and meeting halls were inhabited by little, adorable, fuzzy white bunnies. Unfortunately, the first attempts to shoo the little creatures out, ended in the slaughter of those involved. So a militia was massed to take care of the creatures. In all, 5 rabbits were slain, and the residents of Underhill learned a new respect for the small white fuzzy things.

During the tournament at our coronation this spring, it was felt that one warrior in particular, (who has a mild case of amnesia and can't remember her own name at the moment) stood out and fairy well embodied the ferocity and resilience of these beasts. So it was with great pride and pleasure that we Awarded her the first ever 'Underhill Rabid Marshmallow Bunny Award'. Pictures of the award itself can be found here.

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