The Text of "The Keys to Kabbalah" by Alan Bain

Following improvements in software I have now been able to upload a revised PDF version of the "Keys" in which while the type is a little smaller, has enabled the inclusion of coloured images of a second Tarot deck in Part Two. This download is below as KeysUpdate (PDF). The following link enables the display and download of individual Tarot cards, each file being about 60KB

The Tarot Cards

KeysUpdate (PDF)

The file "Zodiac.htm" is a summary of 18th century astrologer Simmonite's 72 Faces of the Zodiac, and includes useful references to fixed stars as they were in his day. There is a description of each "face" of five degrees both ascending and culminating (i.e., on the Midheaven). Occasionaly specific degree meanings are given. Allow file to load in your browser, and then go to the file menu and click on "Save As" to download

72 Faces of the Zodiac

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