UST College of Science Glee Club

Corporate Image

Starting SY 1995-1996, the UST CSGC has given extraordinary importance to its corporate image. All elements of communication are coordinated to promote the organization as creative and competent, yet cool! Through semesters, it stood up as a model for other organizations that they might also give their corporate image the importance it deserves.

Organization Logo

Official Logo of the UST College of Science Glee Club 

The Official UST CSGC Logo.

A diamond of excellence encapsuling four stylized quarter notes, or the four major voices of a choir.

A musical staff at the base of diamond perhaps representing the academic degrees in the college from where the members come from.


The CSGC logo has also served as major design element in various communication materials, and has been given creative renditions.

The popular rendition is the 3D version of the logo, which has been used to establish the "modern" identity of the organization.

3D Rendition of the UST CSGC logo


sy 1995-1996. The first letterhead produced using desktop publishing. Previous letterheads were produced by printing press companies.

UST CSGC Letterhead, SY 1995-1996


UST CSGC Letterhead, SY 1996-1997


sy 1996-1997. More simplicity in design was given focus to.

sy 1997-1998. The theme of the letterhead is about music & calligraphy; a big G-clef was used as a watermark at the left side.


UST CSGC Letterhead, SY 1997-1998


UST CSGC Letterhead, SY 1998-1999

sy 1998-1999. Now bearing the web site address of the UST College of Science, plus the icons of the Core, Productions, and Promotions groups.

(Letterheads created by Alwyn M. Bali�git, CSGC officer from SY 1995-1996 to SY 1997-1998, using Adobe PageMaker)


Membership Promotion Series (SY 1996-1997)

The Ponder Series (SY 1996-1997)

Sayawitan Update (SY 1997-1998)

The UST CSGC acknowledged the importance of information well-delivered, on various occasions.

On SY 1995-1996, the policy of using clear photocopies of ads was implemented. This action made the CSGC ads stand out among the other ads produced with ordinary photocopying, thus a good feedback from the target "market".

Another is the intelligent composition of content and the careful application of Graphic Arts principles. That's why in promotions, there's always a writer and a lay-out artist.

Besides advertising future events or schedules, Glee Club also released ads that promote its competent presence in the UST College of Science. One example is the Ponder series (SY 1996-1997) when Jo-Ann Gabuat (Asst. Promo Head) wrote a series of short thought-provoking verses for posting, which effectively established the "competent-cool" image of CSGC.

UST College of Science Glee Club (Main)UST CSGC: Officers

UST College of Science Glee Club (Main)

Corporate Image
UST Intercollegiate Songfest 1998
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UST College of Science Glee Club Web Site
Created on: August 02, 1998 | Last Updated: September 15, 1998

_ 1998-1999 UST College of Science Glee Club
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