Beaconsfield Operatic Society, Blyth

Welcome Page, Who we are, Society history, Show history, Gilbert & Sullivan,
Want to join?, Social Events, The things that went wrong, Sweeney Todd
List of Shows, Announcements, All 4 One

It's not just the shows that we have fun with...

We also have fun with a programme of social events throughout the year.


We have the after show parties...Party!

and the barbecue, Barbecueincluding the obligatory cricket match ...Cricket
(I feel I should point out that we don't barbecue the babies)

and the stall in the charity market in Blyth in August...

and the Christmas meal

In addition, it seems to be becoming a tradition to sing carols in our local shopping centre at Christmas...

Not to forget our group of keen walkers who choose to get wet and lost once a month, without fail.Walkers


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