Beaconsfield Operatic Society, Blyth

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Performance History.

Select from the bar the decade you want to look at:

Twenties Thirties Sixties Seventies Eighties Nineties Noughties

(click on the photos for a larger image)

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1970 - Magyar Melody

1971 - Show Boat Show Boat

1972 - Waltzes from Vienna Waltzes from Vienna

1973 - Viva MexicoThe actors in Viva Mexico

1974 - Good Night ViennaThe actors of Goodnight Vienna

1975 - Summer Song Summer Song

1976 - Fiddler on the Roof Grandma Tzeitel and Fruma Sarah & The family of Tevye& HMS PinaforeHMS Pinafore

1977 - Hello Dolly The actors in Hello Dolly&Ruddigore Ruddigore

1978 - Carousel The actors in Carousel& Iolanthe Iolanthe

1979 - Orpheus in the Underworld Orpheus in the Underworld& The Pirates of PenzanceThe Pirates of Penzance



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