Beaconsfield Operatic Society, Blyth

Welcome Page, Who we are, Society history, Show history, Gilbert & Sullivan,
Want to join?, Social Events, The things that went wrong, Sweeney Todd
List of Shows
, Announcements, All 4 One

Performance History.

Select from the bar the decade you want to look at:

Twenties Thirties Sixties Seventies Eighties Nineties Noughties

(click on the photos for a larger image)

More photos? E-mail me - [email protected]

2000 - The Mikado The Mikado & The Slipper And The Rose The Slipper and the Rose

2001 - Ruddigore Ruddigore& Sweeney Todd Sweeney Todd (the lunatics)

Also recently completed, the touring "Last Night of the Proms", which went down very well, with enthusiastic flag wavers from Blyth to Amble via Lynemouth. Not to forget the show which we put on in October, All 4 One, which has its own page.

COMING SOON! Touring music hall style concerts - no information on exactly what or where, but watch this space.

In October 2003 we are off to far away places once again, this time a little further than the France of the musketeers. We will be joining Mrs Leonowens as she embarks on her English teaching role for some Thai brats. Or, "The King and I", if you'd rather.


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