Beaconsfield Operatic Society, Blyth

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The things that went wrong, Sweeney Todd
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All 4 One

ALL 4 ONE PAGE 2 - everything else!

Run! Run! It's the evil pixies!
Kings abducted at no extra charge

It's Charlie's Angels!
Diss us and we'll whip you with our bum rolls

The Hills are alive?
 'A flibbertigibbert, a will-o-the-wisp, a clown', but which is which?

Some posh ladies, with some tarts.
The boilers (and they know why)


I didn't know Hinge and Bracket were in this
Insert your own vicious comment here

The Bonacieux family
Why has dear maman got a pipe going into her head?

Bonus picture of D'Artagnan
Ah. The balancing slug trick

Posh frocks
And not a brown dress amongst them

More posh frocks
What has Linda done to her hair?

Apologies to everyone I've missed, but I didn't get round everyone during show week - what with running errands for the Queen, and getting attacked (and attached) on the way, etc. Those blooming hip pads got in the way too - you try running up and down stairs dressed as a toilet dolly. If anyone has anything to contribute, e-mail me the pictures at [email protected]



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