Noteable Quotables

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Oscar Wilde
Celebrity Sound Bites

Quote of the Week

"Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. This is the principle behind lotteries, dating, and religion."
Scott Adams

Welcome to my wonderful world of quotations.It's a small collection, but I hope you find it as amusing as I do.To help you find you way around, the following may be helpful:

Literary Snippets
This page offers a selection of quotes from authors and other important thinkers including John Irving, Douglas Coupland, Shakespeare, Voltaire, etc
Oscar Wilde
The wit and wisdom of Oscar Wilde.
Scarcasm and wit.
Celebrity Sound Bites
Various quotes from the famous and infamous as well as a sizable section devoted to "Bushisms" (fun things George W. Bush has said)

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Wherever possible credit is given to the appropriate wordsmith, although some identification is unknown by me at this point. Should you have the necessary documentation about the quote(s) in question please feel free to email me and I will make the correction.


THIS WEB PAGE CREATED BY" "Alostgirl""� 2001

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