"Kamote packs a powerful nutritional punch. Over 400% of your daily needs for vitamin A in one medium spud."

Health Benefits

It can be helpful to include some fat in your sweet potato-containing meals if you want to enjoy the full beta-carotene benefits of this root vegetable. Recent research has shown that a minimum of 3-5 grams of fat per meal significantly increases our uptake of beta-carotene from sweet potatoes.

Some nutritional benefits from sweet potatoes simply may be easier to achieve if you use steaming or boiling as your cooking method. Recent studies show excellent preservation of sweet potato anthocyanins with steaming, and several studies comparing boiling to roasting have shown better blood sugar effects (including the achievement of a lower glycemic index, or GI value) with boiling.

They are high in vitamin B6.

They are high in vitamin B6.They are a good source of vitamin C

They contain Vitamin D

Sweet potatoes contain iron.

Sweet potatoes are a good source of magnesium

Sweet potatoes are a good source of potassium

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/9-reasons-to-love-sweet-potatoes.html#ixzz3uBCd2yhn

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Allan S: Kamote Hub was originally made with coffee as the website theme, almost the same title just "Coffee Hub" Changed it out of impulse and for the kicks. Made using foundation zurb as frontend frameworks and jquery for the backend frameworks. Project presentation for Web1


Inihaw na Sabaw: Change it back, Coffee is much more interesting. It'll hold more information than creating a website for sweet potatoes

Allan S: No time to revert the changes, Bare with it plox.

Crispy Lugaw: No penguins or Eskimos? It's almost christmass lol. Change it to something more fitting for this season