tuesday - october thirty-one, two-thousand - 10:40am
Happy Halloween!!!



This is what the pumpkins Paul and I carved looked like after only about a week. I guess it was just too warm for them. I kind of like them better this way, though. They look like old men who forgot to put their teeth in.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Probably because it's in the falltime, partially, but also because I love to dress up in costume. Which is why I'm a little bit bummed this year. We have no plans to do anything, and I didn't even plan a costume. Usually I am figuring it out sometime in August. This year, I tried to get a group of people to go out in costume, but had very little luck. I probably gave up too easily, though. Indie did invite us to a great party on Saturday, but we had already made plans by that time to go down to Iowa.
Paul's sister did invite me over to help her hand out candy tonight, if I want. I might. I haven't decided yet. I wonder if she'll wear a costume for that. What I really wanted to do this year is get some of those freaky contacts, like the alien eyes, and put them in. Then when I looked at people it would make them jump. I can't handle putting things in my eyes, though. If I ever need to wear glasses, I'm going to be screwed because I can't wear contacts. I don't mind glasses, though. Sometimes I wish I wore them just because it would be a fun accessory - and I'd feel too silly wearing the kind with just glass in them.
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