monday - october thirty, two-thousand - 1:30pm



Poor Paul is having a real string of bad luck. On our trip down to Iowa this weekend we were going to stop in Preston for Friday night to see Sam and his bike-riding friends. Well, about 15 miles North of there the guy behind us started flashing his lights like crazy... so we pulled over only to find out that Paul's new car was gushing gas out of it. We had to call a tow truck to take us the rest of the way to Preston. We had a great time there with Sam's friends. They had a bon-fire, which I can never resist in fall. We stayed up way too late, and had a little too much to drink. The ingredients for a good time. I got to know Kit a little better - she's a great gal. I'm really excited for Sam. I can see she makes him very happy.

Anyway, the next day we discovered that no service station nearby was going to be open until Monday. We ended up having to tow the BMW back to the dealership where we bought it in the twin cities. It was a long afternoon to say the least.
Now today, we come in to work, and his fish, Henry, is lying at the bottom of his bowl breathing heavily. We put some antibiotics in his water, but it's pretty clear that we're either too late, or he's dying from something antibiotics can't cure. It's very sad to watch. Plus, Paul's computer isn't cooperating with him lately... it keeps crashing. A very annoying thing when you have a deadline.

So, I decided to have some flowers delivered to him. I've never done that before, so it was scary. I didn't know if he would like them, or be embarassed by them. I had to go down to Mary's desk to call, so he wouldn't hear me. And you don't know what they're going to look like when you just call like that. They came and they did a very nice job. They look fallish - and kind of manly ( whatever that means ). I think he likes them.
So, we never made it down to see Nikki, obviously. She was very understanding. We will hopefully try the trip again in a couple of weeks.
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